Technology Analyst at Concordia University

Concordia University is recruiting a Technology Analyst.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Manager, Information Systems and Technology, the incumbent facilitates, mediates and ensures support for the Library's use of technologies for services in teaching, learning, and research by working collaboratively with multiple IT teams, librarians, and library patrons.

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"Availability and Accessibility in an Open Access Institutional Repository: A Case Study"

Jongwook Lee et al. have published "Availability and Accessibility in an Open Access Institutional Repository: A Case Study" in Information Research.

Here's an excerpt:

This study explores the extent to which an institutional repository makes papers available and accessible on the open Web by using 170 journal articles housed in DigiNole Commons, the institutional repository at Florida State University. . . .

Overall, the results confirm the contribution of the institutional repository in making papers available and accessible. The results also reveal some impediments to the success of open access, including impediments linked to contractual arrangements between authors and publishers, impediments linked to policies, practices and technologies governing the repository itself, and the low level of faculty participation in the repository.

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Digital Scholarship Projects Librarian at Georgia State University

Georgia State University is recruiting a Digital Scholarship Projects Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Georgia State University Library seeks a collegial, entrepreneurial, and hands-on Digital Scholarship Projects Librarian skilled at using technology to support interdisciplinary digital projects in a wide array of subject areas, including but not limited to the digital humanities. The Digital Scholarship Projects Librarian will be engaged in the exploration of new forms of online scholars hip, and in partnering with scholars on the development, implementation, assessment, enhancement and maintenance of sustainable digital projects.

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"Justifications for Copyright Limitations & Exceptions"

Pamela Samuelson has self-archived "Justifications for Copyright Limitations & Exceptions."

Here's an excerpt:

The essay traces the historical development of L&Es in U.S. copyright law. . . .

The essay then considers nine justifications for the existence of these L&Es. One set promotes ongoing authorship. A second recognizes both authorial and broader public interests in dissemination of news, freedom of expression, and access to information. A third protects privacy, personal autonomy, and ownership interests of consumers. A fourth aims to fulfill certain cultural and social policy goals. A fifth enables public institutions, such as courts and legislatures, to function more effectively. A sixth fosters competition and ongoing innovation. A seventh exempts incidental uses lacking in economic significance. An eighth addresses market failure problems. A ninth encompasses L&Es adopted for politically expedient reasons.

It also discusses a tenth type of L&E, those designed to enable copyright law to be flexible and adaptable over time.

The essay concludes that the optimal policy for L&Es may well be to have specific exceptions for categories of justified uses that are relatively stable over time and for which predictability is more important than flexibility and to have an open-ended exception such as fair use to allow the law to adapt to new uses not contemplated by the legislature.

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Digital Curation News (3//2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Technology Director at Oregon Health & Science University

The Oregon Health & Science University is recruiting a Technology Director .

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the University Librarian, the Technology Director provides leadership, vision, and management for the Library's digital initiatives. This position leads technical development efforts including integration of systems, development of new applications, and implementations to support infrastructure, software, and services. The Technology Director extends Library technologies in joint projects with campus (e.g. Information Technology Group, Teaching and Learning Center) and regional partners (e.g. Orbis Cascade Alliance). As a member of the library leadership team, this position takes an active part in strategic planning; sets goals and objectives; serves on the Library Council that includes representatives from management, professional, and classified staff; supervises the Digital Collections and Metadata Librarian, two Systems/Applications Analysts, the Web Manager, and a Library Technician; and collaborates with Library, campus, community, and regional partners on technology solutions to serve the OHSU education, research, and clinical communities, and residents of the State of Oregon.

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David Walker Wins 2015 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology

David Walker has won the 2015 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Walker is being recognized for his dedication and commitment in developing open source library portal application Xerxes over the past decade. Originally designed as an improved interface to the Ex Libris Metalib federated search system in 2004, Xerxes now supports a variety of back-end search engines, including commercial library discovery systems, such as Primo, EDS, Summon, non-cost web service (EBSCO Integration Toolkit, Worldcat API), and other search engines (Solr, Google Appliance). Through this effort, Walker has worked with a variety of vendors to develop and test their application programming interfaces, and has been recognized by OCLC and Ex Libris for innovative uses of their services. In 2007 Walker released the system under an open source license, and today, Xerxes platform is implemented by over 40 institutions around the globe, with some also contributing code back to the project.

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Webmaster at University of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina is recruiting a Webmaster.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Director of Library Technology Services, this position functions as the Libraries' webmaster and web developer. Leads and guides the Libraries Web Team, web content authors and all organizational web presence stakeholders. Assures consistent application of accepted standards and best practices for site and page design and creation. Works within University guidelines for design. Designs specialized web presentations and environments as needed, working closely with internal design staff. Assesses and recommends solution options for web and media development projects. Collaborates with various individuals and entities to plan, guide and develop media-related resources and services. Works with internal programming staff to define, plan and implement new online and media features as needed.

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"Storage is a Strategic Issue: Digital Preservation in the Cloud"

Gillian Oliver and Steve Knight have published "Storage is a Strategic Issue: Digital Preservation in the Cloud" in .

Here's an excerpt:

Worldwide, many governments are mandating a 'cloud first' policy for information technology infrastructures. In 2013, the National Library of New Zealand's National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) outsourced storage of its digital collections. A case study of the decision to outsource and its consequences was conducted, involving interviews of the representatives of three key stakeholders: IT, the NDHA, and the vendor. Clear benefits were identified by interviewees, together with two main challenges. The challenges related to occupational culture tensions, and a shift in funding models. Interviewees also considered whether the cultural heritage sector had any unique requirements. A key learning was that information managers were at risk of being excluded from the detail of outsourcing, and so needed to be prepared to assert their need to know based on their stewardship mandate.

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Digital Curation News (3/16/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Dean and Director of Libraries at University at Albany

The University at Albany is recruiting a Dean and Director of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Key opportunities and challenges for the new dean will include providing visionary leadership for the UAlbany Libraries, being a strong advocate and spokesperson for the Libraries, leading and further developing a strong, service-oriented faculty and staff, leveraging the Libraries' financial resources wisely and generating additional funding to improve growth and services, valuing and advancing diversity and inclusion efforts, participating effectively in system-level and national collaborations, and guiding and evaluating the adoption of technology.

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"The Blurred Lines Copyright Verdict Is Bad News for Music"

EFF has released "The Blurred Lines Copyright Verdict Is Bad News for Music."

Here's an excerpt:

Artists evoke elements of common culture all the time, to make their point or simply to entertain by putting their own twist on what has come before. This is what makes culture a conversation and not a series of disjointed soliloquies. Copyright law, though, is dangerously disconnected with the way culture gets made, and as a result it pushes entire genres and communities to the margins, such as those that involve sampling, remix, and other adaptations. A staggering amount of such work is generated noncommercially and available online, but the broad sweep of copyright exclusivity, the risk of disproportionate statutory damages, and the uneven application of the fair use doctrine mean that such authors are typically excluded from commercial opportunities. Far from being incentivized by copyright, such authors typically create in spite of the threats posed by copyright law.

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Executive Director, Triangle Research Libraries Network at TRLN

TRLIN is recruiting a Executive Director, Triangle Research Libraries Network.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN), a consortial organization of Duke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, seeks a creative, dynamic, and committed leader to marshal the financial, human, and information resources of its member libraries. The focus of TRLN is to build cooperative efforts to create a rich information environment that furthers the universities' teaching, learning, research, and service missions.

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"ADS: The Next Generation Search Platform"

Alberto Accomazzi et al. have self-archived "ADS: The Next Generation Search Platform."

Here's an excerpt:

Starting in 2011, the ADS started to systematically collect, parse and index full-text documents for all the major publications in Physics and Astronomy as well as many smaller Astronomy journals and arXiv e-prints, for a total of over 3.5 million papers. Our citation coverage has doubled since 2010 and now consists of over 70 million citations. We are normalizing the affiliation information in our records and, in collaboration with the CfA library and NASA, we have started collecting and linking funding sources with papers in our system. . . . We have rolled out and are now enhancing a new high-performance search engine capable of performing full-text as well as metadata searches using an intuitive query language which supports fielded, unfielded and functional searches. We are currently able to index acknowledgments, affiliations, citations, funding sources, and to the extent that these metadata are available to us they are now searchable under our new platform. The ADS private library system is being enhanced to support reading groups, collaborative editing of lists of papers, tagging, and a variety of privacy settings when managing one's paper collection.

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Digital Curation News (3/13/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Digital Studio Technology Specialist at NYU

NYU is recruiting a Digital Studio Technology Specialist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Studio is NYU's gateway to digital services supporting scholarship and teaching. The Digital Studio Technology Specialist will manage the Digital Studio facility, provide client service, technical knowledge, technical development, and communications expertise in support of state-of-the-art computer technology used by faculty and researchers for teaching and research. Advise and consult with faculty and researchers in the design, development, and implementation of information technology services for teaching and research. Develop and deliver training programs including conducting seminars, training sessions, and workshops. Help support scholarly computing, in particular digital humanities, in collaboration with Digital Scholarship Services and Data Services.

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"What We Got Wrong about Books"

Joseph Esposito has published "What We Got Wrong about Books" in The Scholarly Kitchen.

Here's an excerpt:

This is where we have gotten into trouble. The apparent fixity of a book, the tendency to think of a book as something stuck inside an inflexible container, has led us to imagine that books are used the way they are written, or how we assume they are written—that is, from beginning to end. The prominence of the novel as a literary form over the past two centuries reinforces this. Who would want to break off in the middle of Tom Jones? The traditional novel is linear, which has created an expectation that all books are linear. That expectation is simply wrong, as Kobo and our own reading experience tell us.

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Digital Projects Manager at Harvard University

Harvard University is recruiting a Digital Projects Manager .

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Under the direction of the Manager of Digital Content and Projects, the Digital Projects Manager will collaborate closely with members of Harvard Library Preservation Services, as well as curators, librarians, and archivists from across Harvard's libraries and archives to plan and manage projects to create digital library resources of enduring research value from original manuscripts and archives. Please note: This is a full time term appointment funded through June 30, 2016.

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"Public Knowledge Applauds FCC for Delivering Strong Open Internet Rules"

Public Knowledge has released "Public Knowledge Applauds FCC for Delivering Strong Open Internet Rules."

Here's an excerpt:

Today, the Federal Communications Commission published its Open Internet Report and Order. The order details strong rules designed to prevent Internet Service Providers from blocking, throttling or using paid prioritization to control how Americans use the internet. . . .

An initial review shows that the order uses Title II to deliver the strong rules the Chairman promised and consumers expect. It includes simple and clear bright-line rules of no blocking, no throttling, and no paid prioritization. It prohibits unreasonable interference with consumer Internet use and strengthens transparency requirements. The Order also shows that the decision is rooted in the opinions, arguments, and legal reasoning of almost 4 million people in the extensive record gathered through this transparent process. . . .

The Order does not create new fees and taxes for consumers. It does not create rate regulation or tariffs. The FCC was careful to forbear from 27 provisions of Title II and over 700 rules and regulations. This effort creates strong protections for consumers without harming the investment that has driven the growth of the Internet into the essential communications tool for the 21st century. It is no wonder that it has such broad support from technology companies big and small, non-tech companies, racial justice and public interest groups, some Internet Service Providers, venture capitalists and investors.

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Digital Curation News (3/12/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Scholarly Communications Librarian at University of Kansas

The University of Kansas is recruiting a Scholarly Communications Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Scholarly Communications Librarian is a member of the Office of Scholarly Communication and Copyright in the Libraries Research and Learning Division. Reporting to the Head of the Office, the incumbent works closely with others in the Libraries and the University community and actively promotes author rights, as well as those of the creators, disseminators, and users of scholarly information, under fair use. In collaboration with colleagues, the Scholarly Communications Librarian assists in the promotion of the University's institutional repository and open access initiatives, seeking to build a sustainable program of outreach, consultation, and guidance on author rights, copyright and scholarly publishing issues.

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"Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship—An Interview with Robin Champieux and Jill Emery about This New Conference"

Alice Meadows has published "Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship—An Interview with Robin Champieux and Jill Emery about This New Conference" in The Scholarly Kitchen.

Here's an excerpt:

ARCS, Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship, is a new conference designed to provide a broad and collaborative forum for addressing and affecting scholarly and scientific communication. As organizers, we are working from the idea that supporting and improving knowledge communication in the digital age necessitates conversations and partnerships across communities, disciplines, and expertise. . . . Partnering with an organizing committee of librarians, technologists, humanists, scientists, and publishers we have built a conference program that addresses scholarly communication issues across the research cycle, through a diversity of stakeholder perspectives.

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Project Coordinator at Washington University

Washington University is recruiting a Project Coordinator.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

This is a 4-Year Grant Funded Position with full-time hours and is eligible for full-time benefits. . . . Reporting to the Digital Library Services Manager at Washington University Libraries, the Project Coordinator will be responsible for project management of digital initiatives within the Libraries' Scholarly Publishing unit. The incumbent will establish milestones, manage scheduling, track progress and coordinate contributors within and beyond the unit and university, for projects from software and web development to scholarly digital projects in publishing, digital libraries and digital humanities, initially focusing on the recently announced Newman Numismatic Portal project.

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"Fair Use Week 2015 Highlights"

ARL has released "Fair Use Week 2015 Highlights."

Here's an excerpt:

Each day, new blog posts and resource materials were produced. Daily recaps are available for each day of Fair Use Week and additional resources are available on the website. Over the course of the week, more than 90 blog posts, 13 videos, 2 podcasts, a comic book, an infographic, and several other great resources were released. Below are some highlights from the week.

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Copyright Consultant Librarian at Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is recruiting a Copyright Consultant Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The primary responsibility for the position is to advise and support Library Services and all members of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic community on copyright and various licensing issues. Working in collaboration with the Copyright Consultant (South) and Librarians' Council, the incumbent is responsible for promoting compliance with Canadian copyright law and Saskatchewan Polytechnic's copyright policies and guidelines. The position will provide institutional leadership on copyright issues for the use of materials in a digital learning environment, on general copyright questions, and in providing information and interpretation of the fair dealing and educational exemptions.

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