DigitalKoans posts will resume on 8/11/2014.
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DigitalKoans posts will resume on 8/11/2014.
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Arkansas State University is recruiting a Assistant Systems Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Assistant Systems Librarian will work under the direction and supervision of the Systems Librarian to optimize the library systems, technologies, software, and hardware needed for access to Library resources.
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The U.S. House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on moral rights, termination rights, resale royalty, and copyright term.
Here's an excerpt from "Congress Takes On Copyright Term, Moral Rights, and More":
How is this going to work? It's hard to say. Probably not very well. The hearing structure allows a handful of witnesses to give very brief explanations of their views, but the question-and-answer format hasn't always been very productive. In the past, we've seen lawmakers in the committee raise pet issues instead of focusing on the topics on the agenda—take for example last month's hearing on the first sale doctrine, which included numerous questions about the unrelated issue of "piracy."
Moreover, in the absence of real public feedback during these hearings, the committee has sought to represent the public interest by inviting testimony from "both" sides of an imagined dichotomy. Hearings include witnesses from, say, a big company and a small company, a telecom and a publisher, or a copyright licensor and a licensee. This sometimes provides a good impression of balance, but on a panel addressing four separate issues, the odds seem long. It is also often the case that these "sides" don't include anyone who represents the public interest.
But let's not pass judgment before the hearing even takes place. For those who are watching the hearing, here is a primer on the four issues up for discussion:
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
NCSU is recruiting an Associate Director for the Digital Library.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Associate Director for the Digital Library provides vision and leadership for information technology; resource management and discovery; and digital projects and associated research and development. The position serves as administrator for three departments: Information Technology (23 FTE), Acquisitions & Discovery (24 FTE), and Digital Library Initiatives (11 FTE). The Digital Library Division designs, develops, manages, and maintains a flexible, reliable, and innovative technology environment that enables access to research collections and facilitates user-centered services, along with a robust computing and data storage infrastructure that supports the library as both repository and research platform, both physically and virtually.
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Robert Harington has published "Technology and Digital Scholarship" in The Scholarly Kitchen.
Here's an excerpt:
According to The Guardian, 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years, but less than 1% of this information has been analyzed. The question for academic publishers and societies is one of comprehension. How do we assimilate these data?
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Digital Scholarship | Digital Curation News | Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 4
Penn State University is recruiting a Programmer/Analyst 4 (Lead Web Developer).
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Penn State University Libraries Department for Information Technologies seeks an innovative, creative and enthusiastic Lead Web Developer to play an integral role in the implementation of web solutions to enhance the Libraries' support for resource discovery and academic research. This talented and knowledgeable web developer should be passionate about Drupal, web technologies, resource discovery and access, APIs and web services. The successful candidate will lead various web development projects for the Libraries, initially focusing on the Libraries' upcoming migration to a Drupal content management system. The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining and improving the I-Tech web development process, establishing and promoting best practices for web development as well as mentoring fellow developers in formal, organized training and day-to-day knowledge exchange and guidance.
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Lisa Gregory and Stephanie Williams have published "On Being a Hub: Some Details behind Providing Metadata for the Digital Public Library of America" in D-Lib Magazine.
Here's an excerpt:
After years of planning, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) launched in 2013. Institutions from around the United States contribute to the DPLA through regional "service hubs," entities that aggregate digital collections metadata for harvest by the DPLA. The North Carolina Digital Heritage Center has been one of these service hubs since the end of 2013. This article describes the technological side of being a service hub for the DPLA, from choosing metadata requirements and reviewing software, to the workflow used each month when providing hundreds of metadata feeds for DPLA harvest. The authors hope it will be of interest to those pursuing metadata aggregation, whether for the DPLA or for other purposes.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Kansas State University is recruiting a Digital Initiatives Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
This new position will be responsible for coordinating, evaluating, and optimizing digitization procedures, including capture, presentation, preservation, and other digital asset management activities. The incumbent will lead and participate in the strategic development of innovative, scalable, and sustainable digital collections through the establishment of benchmarks and specific objectives. The individual will directly supervise 2 FTE in the Digital Initiatives Unit, and collaborate with librarians, faculty, and staff to identify, implement, and promote access to digital collections.
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Hélène Prostand Joachim Schöpfel have published "Degrees of Openness: Access Restrictions in Institutional Repositories" in D-Lib Magazine.
Here's an excerpt:
Institutional repositories, green road and backbone of the open access movement, contain a growing number of items that are metadata without full text, metadata with full text only for authorized users, and items that are under embargo or that are restricted to on-campus access. This paper provides a short overview of relevant literature and presents empirical results from a survey of 25 institutional repositories that contain more than 2 million items. The intention is to evaluate their degree of openness with specific attention to different categories of documents (journal articles, books and book chapters, conference communications, electronic theses and dissertations, reports, working papers) and thus to contribute to a better understanding of their features and dynamics. We address the underlying question of whether this lack of openness is temporary due to the transition from traditional scientific communication to open access infrastructures and services, or here to stay, as a basic feature of the new and complex cohabitation of institutional repositories and commercial publishing.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Queen's University is recruiting a Geospatial Data Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Reporting to the Head, Academic Services Division the Geospatial Data Librarian is primarily responsible for identifying, developing, promoting, delivering and evaluating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and print cartographic information services. The Geospatial Data Librarian has primary responsibility for maintaining the Library's map and geospatial data collections, and delivering the Library's GIS service.
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EFF has released "EFF Urges Appeals Court to Keep Protecting Fair Use."
Here's an excerpt:
In this latest appeal, the Authors Guild (and its supporters) claim that fair use is being unjustly expanded, portraying Judge Chin's ruling and other recent court opinions as some kind of fair-use creep, stretching beyond the original intent of the doctrine. Specifically, the Guild argues that the first of the four statutory fair use factors—the purpose of the use, which asks whether the use of the copyrighted material is transformative and/or non-commercial—weighs against Google. The Authors Guild and its amici insist that a use cannot be transformative if it doesn't add new creative expression to the pre-existing work. But as Judge Chin so rightly recognized, a use can be transformative if serves a new and distinct purpose.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
The University of Saskatchewan is recruiting a Head, Library Systems & Information Technology.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Reporting to the Associate Dean, University Library, the successful appointee will:
- Provide visionary leadership and management for the development and delivery of library systems and technology products and services across the library
- Contribute to library planning, including expertise relating to new and emerging services (e.g. the storage, retrieval and preservation of research data and scholarly outputs of the university; copyright management; GIS; etc.)
- Provide leadership of LS&IT unit operations including the effective deployment of resources assigned to the unit
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John P. A. Ioannidis et al. have published "Estimates of the Continuously Publishing Core in the Scientific Workforce" in PLOS ONE.
Here's an excerpt:
The proportion of the scientific workforce that maintains a continuous uninterrupted stream of publications each and every year over many years is very limited, but it accounts for the lion's share of researchers with high citation impact. This finding may have implications for the structure, stability and vulnerability of the scientific workforce.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Digital Scholarship | Digital Curation News | Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 4
The Rochester Institute of Technology is recruiting an Emerging Technology Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
This position will identify and implement innovative uses of emerging information and web technologies to enhance the delivery of online content in a university setting including projects related to libraries, instruction, and student learning.
Specific projects may include piloting vendor applications, or using web services to improve the user experience in discovering, searching, or acquiring library materials and content. Additionally, the position will assist users in working with the Drupal CMS, customizing the interface for various applications, and integrating services from separate applications, including library databases and services supporting digital collections.
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The Library Copyright Alliance has released What Does the HathiTrust Decision Mean for Libraries?.
Here's an excerpt:
The decision also demonstrates how the fair use right applies in the context of a specific library activity: mass digitization. The decision clearly indicates that the acts of a library digitizing the works in its collection, and the library's storage of the resulting digital files, are fair uses under section 107 of the Copyright Act. The decision, however, provides less certainty concerning the permissible access to those digital files. The only form of full-text access it addresses directly is access by the disabled. To be sure, this is an incredibly important result for these individuals. But the court provides little specific guidance concerning the permissibility of other forms of access. Nonetheless, the court's more general pronouncements concerning fair use should be helpful to libraries trying to determine the range of permitted access to their mass digitization projects.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
UC San Diego is recruiting a Digital Preservation Analyst.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The UC San Diego Library is seeking an experienced digital preservation analyst to play a central role building and maintaining national digital preservation systems, to ensure future generations will have open access to our digital cultural materials. This person will be integral to several important digital preservation enterprises including Chronopolis, the Digital Preservation Network (DPN) and significant digital curation efforts on the UC San Diego campus. This position will also have the opportunity to work with, and influence, UC, national and international preservation developments.
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The International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) has released its own collection of open access licenses.
Here's an excerpt:
STM believes that publishers should have the tools to offer a wide variety of appropriate licensing terms dependent on their economic model and business strategy. To that end, the Association has produced sample licences for a variety of uses within open access publishing.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Digital Scholarship | Digital Curation News | Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 4
The University of Maryland Carey School of Law is recruiting a Digital Legal Resources and Systems Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Reporting to the Acting Director of the Law Library and working closely with the Resource Acquisitions & Metadata Services Librarian, this position will provide support for integrating resources, participate in the implementation and maintenance of a next generation library system, and engage in assessment of library practices and procedures.
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Miriam Lorenz has published "Journal Collection Management and Open Access—Relationship Status: It's Complicated" in IFLA WLIC 2014—Lyon.
Here's an excerpt:
The purpose of this study is to analyze how journal management in academic libraries (selection, cost organization and allocation) changes through the influence of Open Access and in what form the Open Access movement could be supported by established structures and processes of journal management. In the empirical part, the hypotheses will be verified through an international survey (Germany, Europe (mainly Great Britain), North America (mainly US)) of libraries' journal management staff in March and April 2014. . . . In this article, the first results of the survey will be presented and we will try to find out of how Open Access and journal collection management can be in a stable relationship and what challenges harmonic processes.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"
Indiana University Bloomington is recruiting a Manager, Enterprise Library System, UITS.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Develops, in conjunction with the IU Libraries, long-range plans and strategies for systems development, implementation, and integration of enterprise library applications and services in use to acquire, describe, discover, circulate, and preserve print and electronic collections. Manages systems analysis and programming personnel for the Enterprise Library Systems Team (ELS).
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