"The Integrity of Research Is at Risk: Capturing and Preserving Web Sites and Web Documents and the Implications for Resource Sharing"

James G. Neal has published "The Integrity of Research Is at Risk: Capturing and Preserving Web Sites and Web Documents and the Implications for Resource Sharing" in IFLA WLIC 2014—Lyon.

Here's an excerpt:

Born digital materials, for example websites and web documents, present particular challenges to academic and community libraries and their collection development, discovery and access, preservation, and resource sharing programs. This paper will explore the policy, workflow, legal, governance, financial, and service framework for capturing and preserving web content in the context of expanding collaborative collection development agreements among libraries. The paper will describe the program at the Columbia University Libraries in the area of Web Resources Archiving Collaboration. Columbia has sought to situate its program within the broader mission of its Libraries, collecting content deemed important for current and future research, preserving the content for future scholars, but also providing access in novel ways to foster current use in teaching and research.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.