"Google Scholar as a Data Source for Research Assessment"

Emilio Delgado López-Cózar et al. have self-archived "Google Scholar as a Data Source for Research Assessment."

Here's an excerpt:

The goal of this chapter is to lay the foundations for the use of GS as a supplementary source (and in some disciplines, arguably the best alternative) for scientific evaluation. First, we present a general overview of how GS works. Second, we present empirical evidences about its main characteristics (size, coverage, and growth rate). Third, we carry out a systematic analysis of the main limitations this search engine presents as a tool for the evaluation of scientific performance. Lastly, we discuss the main differences between GS and other more traditional bibliographic databases in light of the correlations found between their citation data. We conclude that Google Scholar presents a broader view of the academic world because it has brought to light a great amount of sources that were not previously visible.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.