"A Mini Survey of Digital Humanities in European Research Libraries"

Lotte Wilms has published "A Mini Survey of Digital Humanities in European Research Libraries" in the LIBER Blog.

Here's an excerpt:

Of the 22 libraries who responded, eight have been running a DH activity for under a year. Half have been active between 1-5 years and only three libraries have had a DH activity for more than five year. Most (13 libraries) have a team of 2-5 people working on DH, with teams of 6-10 people (six libraries) following closely. A majority of the libraries (16) conduct the activity as part of a policy, while six libraries do it as an ad-hoc activity. Looking at budget, over half have dedicated funding for the activity. Nine libraries are doing this without any dedicated budget.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.