"Enforcing Public Data Archiving Policies in Academic Publishing: A Study of Ecology Journals"

Dan Sholler et al. have self-archived "Enforcing Public Data Archiving Policies in Academic Publishing: A Study of Ecology Journals."

Here's an excerpt:

We conducted a qualitative, interview-based study with journal editorial staff and other stakeholders in the academic publishing process to examine how journals enforce data archiving policies. We specifically sought to establish who editors and other stakeholders perceive as responsible for ensuring data completeness and quality in the peer review process. Our analysis revealed little consensus with regard to how data archiving policies should be enforced and who should hold authors accountable for dataset submissions. Themes in interviewee responses included hopefulness that reviewers would take the initiative to review datasets and trust in authors to ensure the completeness and quality of their datasets. We highlight problematic aspects of these thematic responses and offer potential starting points for improvement of the public data archiving process.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.