Call for Contributions: Current Cites

This post is from Edward Junhao Lim., Editor of Current Cites.

Wanted: annotations for current awareness, monthly newsletter.

Hello everyone!

Current Cites is seeking annotations from library workers and students on information technology literature. The writing is relatively low commitment. You just need to write a short abstract or annotation. Our criteria are simple:

  • Only cite what you like.
  • Keep your annotation to one paragraph; say what needs to be said.
  • Use your voice, as well as the knowledge that you bring to the topic.
  • You are welcome to have hyperlinks within your annotation.

We want your take on it, especially on what, how, & why it matters to our profession. Submit as many annotations you’d like, whenever.

If you are interested in this unique writing opportunity, you can learn more about Current Cites by visiting our site It has been published online at the end of every month in the last 30 years—and it's been freely available for just as long. We currently have 1,900+ subscribers on our distribution list.

Please submit your annotations via this webform:

I look forward to your contributions!


Edward Junhao Lim

Editor of Current Cites

To subscribe, e-mail to with "subscribe currentcites" in the body.

Forthcoming: The Academic Librarian in the Digital Age: Essays on Changing Roles and Responsibilities

Google Books:

Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Thanks to Roy Tennant for Serving as Editor of Current Cites, the Second Oldest Digital Serial on the Internet

Last month, Roy Tennant stepped down as Editor of Current Cites. He turned the editing of this always useful free monthly roundup of works of current interest over to Edward Lim. Roy became Editor in August 2000, replacing Teri Andrews Rinne, who served for six years. Previously, he was a contributor to the publication.

In July 2015, Roy published "The Oldest Internet Publication You've Never Heard Of" in Digital Shift.

Current Cites is now 25 years old. It was established by the Library Technology Watch Program at the University of California, Berkeley Library in 1990. It went online on the University of California's Melvyl system in February 1991, and it was distributed on the University of Houston's PACS-L discussion list starting eight months later. In January 1992, it became one of the first digital publications distributed on the University of Houston's PACS-P discussion list, and it was distributed on this list until May 2014. Starting in 2005, it was distributed by OCLC's As of 2011, the list has been supported by the University of Notre Dame and the website has been provided by Roy Tennant.

Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap