"Launch of Scopus AI to Help Researchers Navigate the World of Research "

Scopus AI is based on Scopus’ trusted content from over 27,000 academic journals, from more than 7,000 publishers worldwide, with over 1.8 billion citations, and includes over 17 million author profiles. Scopus content is vetted by an independent board of world-renowned scientists and librarians who represent the major scientific disciplines.

Since the alpha launch in August 2023, thousands of researchers across the world have tested Scopus AI. Their feedback has reinforced that, as generative AI evolves, researchers want trustworthy, cited research that is relevant and highly personalized to their needs.

Feedback from the research community has led to Scopus AI offering the following powerful features:

  • Expanded and Enhanced Summaries that provide researchers with fast overviews of key topics that they can dig deeper into, sometimes even highlighting gaps in literature. . . .
  • Foundational and Influential Papers that enable researchers to rapidly pinpoint seminal works, navigating academic progress and impact with precision and ease.
  • Academic Expert Search identifies leading experts in their fields and provides explanations of their expertise relevant to the user’s query, helping save time.
  • Enhanced breadth of research, covering ten years of Scopus content to support well-rounded perspective on topics of interest, and improved design to enhance the user experience.


| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.