"How (and Why) the University of Michigan Built Its Own Closed Generative AI Tools "

On August 21, U-M did have three unique generative AI tools ready for returning students and employees.

  1. U-M GPT is the tool that most resembles ChatGPT. It is able to answer questions, produce written content, and make recommendations. Additionally, U-M GPT supports multiple commercial and open-source language models and AI art generators, broadening its utility and applications. . . .
  2. U-M Maizey is a no-code platform that allows users to build unique and customized chat programs by using their own datasets in combination with U-M’s AI language models. . . .
  3. U-M GPT Toolkit is designed for AI developers who require full control over the AI model and environment that they are building, training, and hosting. Researchers and developers who want to use the U-M GPT Toolkit must contact the ITS AI team for access.


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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.