UC Davis: "William Garrity Named University Librarian and Vice Provost of Digital Scholarship"

William Garrity, deputy university librarian and the library’s chief operating officer, has been selected as the next university librarian and vice provost of digital scholarship for UC Davis. Garrity, who has served as interim university librarian since July 2023, will officially start on May 15. . . .

Garrity, who joined UC Davis in 2014, has decades of experience elevating the role of libraries in the research, teaching, healthcare, and service missions of higher education. As deputy university librarian and the chief operating officer, he oversaw most of the library’s 160 academic and non-academic employees and held broad responsibility for divisions focused on faculty and researcher support, student learning and success, space and capital projects, and communications, human resources, and administrative operations.


| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.