"Editors at Philosophy & Public Affairs Resign; Will Launch New OA Journal"

We take this step because we believe that scholarly journals—including our own—serve important purposes, and that these purposes are not well-served by commercial publishing. For three decades now, academic journals have suffered from their ownership by for-profit publishers, who have exploited their monopoly position to sharply raise prices, unduly burdening subscribing libraries and shutting out other institutions and individuals from access to research. The recent rise of the author-funded "open access" model has only reinforced academic inequality, since scholars with access to fewer resources are unable to pay the fees that make their work freely accessible; it has also incentivized commercial publishers to try to publish as many articles as possible and so to pressure rigorous journals to weaken or abandon their quality controls. . . .

The new diamond journal will be published by the Open Library of Humanities.


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Metadata Librarian at University of Hawaii at Manoa

  • Creates and enhances descriptive metadata for digital resources based on standards, best practices, and the needs of the digital collections
  • In collaboration with IT personnel, catalog librarians, and archivists, provides expertise and leadership in the development, implementation, and assessment of metadata policies and procedures
  • Implements, assesses, and refines metadata workflows to ensure efficiency and consistency
  • Participates in metadata enhancement, crosswalks, mapping, and transformation across library platforms to promote interoperability and discovery of collections

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"Lawmakers Debate Ending Section 230 in Order to Save It"

E&C [House Energy and Commerce Committee] Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) want to give Congress 18 months to come up with a new framework to replace Section 230 or risk losing it entirely. The idea is to force their colleagues to do something to change the law that’s been the subject of bipartisan ire for years. . . .

Republicans and Democrats often have very different ideas of how exactly the law should change. Republicans who support Section 230 reform often want platforms to have fewer protections for their content moderation decisions to combat what they see as censorship of conservative views, while Democrats who support reform tend to want platforms to moderate or remove more content, such as disinformation.


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Associate Director, Research Engagement at Yale University

The Associate Director will nurture the development of innovative researcher and practitioner support programs, including novel approaches to research consultations, scholarly profiles and research impact, research data support, building community through common research methods and tools, specialized instruction and outreach, and other research support activities.

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| Digital Scholarship |

Web Content Specialist at University of Colorado Boulder

University Libraries encourage applications for a Web Content Specialist! The Specialist plays a crucial role in ensuring CU Boulder Libraries web content is up-to-date and accurate for its users. They participate actively in library website development, as part of the User Experience group. The Specialist works with a variety of library employees to implement changes to library web content and supervises the site for consistency in content and presentation. They also create user documentation and develop and conduct internal training for associated applications and systems (Springshare, WebExpress content management system, etc.).

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| Digital Scholarship |

"Amplifying Academic Research through YouTube: Engagement Metrics as Predictors of Citation Impact"

The preliminary findings from the linear regression analysis (Table 1) suggest a meaningful relationship between the online engagement metrics of videos on YouTube and the academic impact of the publications referenced within these videos. Specifically, the analysis found positive correlations with the citation impact for three key metrics: the number of videos referencing publications, the ratio of likes to dislikes on videos, and the number of comments containing references to other publications. The positive correlation indicates a sort of selective amplification process. Publications mentioned in videos that garner attention in the form of likes and active discussion in comments are likely being selectively chosen for their relevance or quality. This selection process by content creators and the subsequent engagement by viewers may serve as an “informal peer review”, signaling the value and impact of the research. The findings suggest that social media, particularly YouTube in this context, acts as a filter that potentially can highlight the visibility of impactful research.


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Social Science Librarian, Research Engagement at Yale University

Using a shared, user-focused workflow emphasizing efficiency, responsiveness, and adaptability, the group delivers programs that support the full research lifecycle and accelerate research and practice. Each team is responsible for understanding needs and trends in their areas of focus and each team member will lend their expertise to programs and services offered by the department. Key areas of support include research consultations, scholarly profiles and research impact, research data support, and building community through common research methods and tools. Each librarian will serve as a knowledgeable resource, connecting students, staff, researchers, and community members with relevant collections, services and experts.

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| Digital Scholarship |

UC and Authors Alliance: "Outcomes, Questions, and Answers: ‘The Right to Deposit (r2d) Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access’"

The United States Office of Management and Budget uniform guidance for grants and agreements contains the following language in 2 CFR §200.315(b):

To the extent permitted by law, the recipient or subrecipient may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was acquired, The Right to Deposit (R2D)under a Federal award. The Federal agency reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes and to authorize others to do so. This includes the right to require recipients and subrecipients to make such works available through agency-designated public access repositories.¹

This provision, the Federal purpose license, has existed in some form since at least 1976. Some federal agencies, including the Department of Energy (DOE), have already been relying on it in the implementation of their public access plans. The Federal purpose license applies upon creation of an article, overriding all subsequent terms and licenses. It provides a highly effective, non-disruptive, elegant and familiar solution for accomplishing the ends of the Nelson memo without having to rely on individual authors and institutions to protect this right or navigate differing institutional approaches. Leveraging the Federal purpose license could also provide consistency for articles and authors subject to policies from multiple granting agencies. . . .

If the Federal purpose license has already existed for a long time, and has new language clarifying that it can be used this way, does that solve the problem for authors?

It depends on the author’s funder. Agencies have rights in federally funded research publications, but they are not uniformly using them. Only some agencies are telling their grantees in agency guidance that the Federal purpose license covers sharing publications in agency-designated repositories. Other agencies aren’t relying on their own rights from the license, and instead advising grantees to work with their publisher and secure the rights to post their publications independently. The Federal purpose license does not help authors if they don’t know about it.


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Social Science Research and Spatial Data Librarian at Cornell University

The position provides targeted public services support to the social science community, as well as services related to spatial data and social science data discovery, analysis, and management. Reporting to the Director of the Music and Fine Arts Libraries, you will collaborate closely with the Fine Arts Library team as well as with colleagues throughout Cornell University Library to provide exceptional research services and programs. As a member of the Digital Scholarship Services data discovery cohort, the Social Science Research and Spatial Data Librarian provides spatial data support to constituents across campus, develops services to enhance access to spatial data, and participates in planning, developing, and teaching course-integrated instruction and workshops relating to spatial data use

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| Library IT Jobs |
| Digital Scholarship |

ARL Poll: "AI and Libraries: Strengths in a Digital Tomorrow"

The poll results from the ARL/CNI 2035 Scenarios exploration reveal diverse strengths that research libraries can harness as they navigate AI-influenced futures. These strengths underscore libraries’ vital role in maintaining information integrity and ensuring equitable access amidst the challenges posed by AI advancements. For libraries, these insights emphasize the importance of continuing to build on these core competencies while staying adaptive and responsive to emerging technological trends. Leveraging the ARL/CNI 2035 Scenarios and continued attention to the broader strategic landscape will enable libraries to be proactive and remain relevant and effective as custodians of knowledge in an increasingly digital and AI-driven world.


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Library Systems Specialist at Fashion Institute of Technology

The Library Systems Specialist ensures the efficacy of library systems by implementing and maintaining the diverse array of technology applications integral to library operations. This position is both a leadership and hands-on operational role that manages the interoperability of applications and systems platforms used in the library by monitoring, maintaining, troubleshooting and implementing new and existing systems for continuity and seamless service delivery.

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"Generative AI in Higher Education: A Global Perspective of Institutional Adoption Policies and Guidelines"

Integrating generative AI (GAI) into higher education is crucial for preparing a future generation of GAI-literate students. Yet a thorough understanding of the global institutional adoption policy remains absent, with most of the prior studies focused on the Global North and the promises and challenges of GAI, lacking a theoretical lens. This study utilizes the Diffusion of Innovations Theory to examine GAI adoption strategies in higher education across 40 universities from six global regions. It explores the characteristics of GAI innovation, including compatibility, trialability, and observability, and analyses the communication channels and roles and responsibilities outlined in university policies and guidelines. The findings reveal a proactive approach by universities towards GAI integration, emphasizing academic integrity, teaching and learning enhancement, and equity. Despite a cautious yet optimistic stance, a comprehensive policy framework is needed to evaluate the impacts of GAI integration and establish effective communication strategies that foster broader stakeholder engagement. The study highlights the importance of clear roles and responsibilities among faculty, students, and administrators for successful GAI integration, supporting a collaborative model for navigating the complexities of GAI in education. This study contributes insights for policymakers in crafting detailed strategies for its integration.


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Scholarly Communication Librarian at SUNY Oneonta

The Scholarly Communications Librarian is responsible for academic programming, instruction, services, and resources related to OER (Open Educational Resources), open access (OA), and the scholarly information lifecycle. This position works both independently and collaboratively with partners throughout the institution to provide excellent library services related to OER and open access. The Scholarly Communications Librarian co-leads the University Open Education Resources (OER) Initiative and manages the institution’s scholarly open access repository.

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"Article Processing Charges Suppress the Scholarship of Doctoral Students"

The open access movement has drastically reconfigured the financial burdens of scholarly publishing. Yet, the influence of a marketized scholarly publishing system on doctoral education remains unexplored. I reflect on my own PhD candidature to illustrate how article processing charges disempower doctoral candidates. I argue that the current open access publishing model unfairly advantages candidates with personal, familial and/or institutional wealth. The inequalities imposed on doctoral students by our sectors’ current publishing habits ultimately bias who will be paid to produce and safeguard knowledge in the future. Doctoral students can no longer be ignored in debates over open access publishing.


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Electronic Resources Metadata Librarian at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Responsibilities include creating and editing metadata for e-serials, e-books, databases, and datasets in both MARC and non-MARC formats; maintaining collections; managing batch record imports; supervising two staff members; coordinating metadata production; fostering communication and building collaborative relationships within the library; staying updated on metadata trends and standards; developing training materials; advising on metadata policies; contributing to system-wide initiatives; and supporting the library’s vision of accessible knowledge through innovative metadata management.

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| Digital Scholarship |

Paywall: "Job Advertisements for Data Visualization in Academic Libraries: A Content Analysis of Job Postings"

The objectives of this study are: i) to identify the responsibilities that professionals working in the DV field are expected to undertake, and ii) to analyze the current stated qualifications and competencies required for DV-related positions.. . . The findings indicated that library professionals in the field of DV are increasingly tasked with a broader spectrum of responsibilities and duties, with a pronounced preference for those demonstrating expertise in cross-disciplinary domains and possessing exceptional general competencies, in addition to the requisite professional qualifications and skills, such as interdisciplinary liaison and commitment to equity and diversity..


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Librarian (Digital Services) at Naval Postgraduate School

  • You will define processes for collection of digital content and objects, creation of metadata, managing access to digital repository resources and ensure storage platforms meet range needs.
  • You will recommend policies and procedures necessary for the creation and management of digital rights and copyright control as well as providing on-going expertise in this area for the library and other organizations on campus.
  • You will develop architecture, standards, policies and procedures necessary to implement an institutional digital repository.

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E-Resources Specialist at George Mason University

Reporting to the Head, Resource Acquisition, the E-Resources Specialist is responsible for providing acquisition management and coordination of the library’s resources, especially in electronic format. Manages the entire complex order and access cycles for these materials – from the request of a new e-resource through ensuring accurate, up-to-date access for faculty and students. Maintains and updates a variety of databases, library systems, and other applications used in e-resource management.

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Engineering Librarian for Data and Collections at Stanford University

As a member of an interdisciplinary team of science and engineering librarians in the Science and Engineering Resource Group (SERG), the Data and Collections Librarian is responsible for assessing, acquiring, and managing collections for the Engineering Library to support research and instruction in a highly interdisciplinary environment. This position will also work with researchers to identify, curate, manage, and make accessible data that is relevant to engineering research in all its stages.

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International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI

The interim report highlights several key takeaways, including:

  • General-purpose AI can be used to advance the public interest, leading to enhanced wellbeing, prosperity, and scientific discoveries.
  • According to many metrics, the capabilities of general-purpose AI are advancing rapidly. Whether there has been significant progress on fundamental challenges such as causal reasoning is debated among researchers.
  • Experts disagree on the expected pace of future progress of general-purpose AI capabilities, variously supporting the possibility of slow, rapid, or extremely rapid progress.
  • There is limited understanding of the capabilities and inner workings of general-purpose AI systems. Improving our understanding should be a priority.
  • Like all powerful technologies, current and future general-purpose AI can be used to cause harm. For example, malicious actors can use AI for large-scale disinformation and influence operations, fraud, and scams.
  • Malfunctioning general-purpose AI can also cause harm, for instance through biassed decisions with respect to protected characteristics like race, gender, culture, age, and disability.
  • Future advances in general-purpose AI could pose systemic risks, including labour market disruption, and economic power inequalities. Experts have different views on the risk of humanity losing control over AI in a way that could result in catastrophic outcomes.
  • Several technical methods (including benchmarking, red-teaming and auditing training data) can help to mitigate risks, though all current methods have limitations, and improvements are required.
  • The future of AI is uncertain, with a wide range of scenarios appearing possible. The decisions of societies and governments will significantly impact its future.



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"WIPO Study: Research4Life Program Spikes Research Output by up to 75% in Low- and Middle-Income Countries"

A new study conducted by leading researchers from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and the German Economic Institute reveals that free or low-cost online access to scientific publications — as provided by Research4Life programs — results in a surge in scientific output, particularly in health sciences, by up to 75% in low- and middle-income countries. . . .

Research institutions in the Caribbean, Central Asia, Europe, and Latin America saw their academic paper output increase by 80-100%. In terms of clinical trials, program participation was most impactful for East Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and North Africa, with trial activity rising by up to 35%.



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Web Developer I at The University of Alabama

The Web Developer I writes and maintains standard front-end and back-end code that supports websites and web applications. Applies specialized knowledge of web code standards and frameworks to produce complex, dynamic websites and applications that meet standards required by University and governmental policy.

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Developer and Systems Administrator at Colorado State University

The Developer and Systems Administrator will join others in the same role to enhance and create innovative systems and technology solutions for CSU Libraries. This role combines traditional software development and systems administration work to develop and manage applications, administer virtual servers and storage, create integrations with external data sources, and manage the Libraries’ web presence. The person in this role is encouraged to collaborate with colleagues across the Libraries, the university, and the field by leading projects, taking advantage of professional development opportunities and participating in Library wide task forces. CSU Libraries supports flexible work including in-person, hybrid and/or fully remote options for this position.

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"Librarian Faculty Status: Exploring Inequality Regimes in a Comparative Case Study"

Faculty status for librarians is one of the most debated topics within academic librarianship (Bailey & Becher, 2022). Professional associations argue that faculty status benefits librarians, but little empirical work has explored how faculty status plays out in real-world settings (Galbraith, Garrison, & Hales, 2016). This study investigates whether faculty status helps librarians overcome barriers using a comparative case study of two academic libraries representing polarity on this issue. One library offers librarians tenure-track faculty appointments; the other classifies librarians as staff. Through qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews, the study explores administrative obstacles faced by librarians and whether faculty status ameliorates them. This study also examines if debates over librarian faculty status ignore inequality regimes (Acker, 2006) that may appear in both faculty and staff settings. Surprisingly, findings reveal faculty status is associated with more workplace hierarchies and stress, especially for female librarians. Contrary to claims made by faculty status proponents, most librarians feel equally undervalued by disciplinary faculty regardless of status. Ultimately, blanket recommendations for faculty status seem ineffective, and nuanced solutions tailored to local contexts better serve librarians. This study encourages an honest dialogue to empower librarians based on individual needs, not rigid assumptions.


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