"‘It Is Obscenely Fast’ — Biggest Rival to Nvidia Demos Million-Core Super AI Inference Chip That Obliterates the DGX100 with 44GB of Super Fast Memory and You Can Even Try It for Free"

Patrick Kennedy from ServeTheHome saw the product in action at the recent Hot Chips 2024 symposium, noting, “I had the opportunity to sit with Andrew Feldman (CEO of Cerebras) before the talk and he showed me the demos live. It is obscenely fast. The reason this matters is not just for human to prompt interaction. Instead, in a world of agents where computer AI agents talk to several other computer AI agents. Imagine if it takes seconds for each agent to come out with output, and there are multiple steps in that pipeline. If you think about automated AI agent pipelines, then you need fast inferencing to reduce the time for the entire chain.”


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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.