"AI Can Carry out Qualitative Research at Unprecedented Scale"

We have developed and launched an easy-to-use platform for conducting large-scale qualitative interviews, based on artificial intelligence in just this way. A chat interface allows the respondent to interact with a LLM that collects their responses and generates new questions. . . .

First, we asked a team of sociology PhD students from Harvard and the London School of Economics, who specialise in qualitative methods, to assess the quality of interviews based on the interview scripts. The AI-led interviews were rated approximately comparable to an average human expert (under the same conditions). . . . A vast majority of participants reported enjoying their interaction with the conversational agent and preferred this mode of interview over open text fields.


| Artificial Intelligence |
| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.