- US Federal Judge Rules Apple Conspired to Raise E-book Prices, http://t.co/HhXBhiyOiV
- Elizabeth Cowell Appointed UCSC Interim University Librarian, http://t.co/09OtcyOfR5
- France Defangs Its Anti-piracy Law, Removes Disconnection Penalty, http://t.co/ei2J2s7Qsi
- Deal Boosts Blind's Access to Texts, http://t.co/UxtXSj7ZtQ
- Scholarly Kitchen Podcast: Bibliometrics in an Age of Abundance, http://t.co/9gnwhNHwJp
- Open Data for Science Education, http://t.co/QbLE9uFICM
Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Special Formats and Metadata Cataloger at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries are recruiting a Special Formats and Metadata Cataloger.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
he Special Formats and Metadata Cataloger is responsible for and maintains an understanding of issues involved in the cataloging of geospatial data, statistical datasets, cartographic resources, locally produced research data, and other data resources as needs arise. The Cataloger contributes to the professional dialogue to improve service and enhance access to library resources and contributes authority records to the national authority files. The Cataloger also helps support the growing workload surrounding non-MARC metadata in the Libraries, and researches metadata standards and best practices as they apply in a variety of disciplines. The individual in this position serves as a resource for staff in all campus libraries, advising on appropriate strategies for creating and managing metadata for a wide variety of digital media formats, including data sets, theses and dissertations, unpublished scholarly work, raw research data, images, audio, and video. The Cataloger participates in the design and development of tools and workflows to support long-term preservation and access to digitized and born-digital materials in the Carolina Digital Repository.
Johns Hopkins University Offers Digital Curation Certificate Program
Johns Hopkins University has established a Digital Curation Certificate program.
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
The Johns Hopkins University Certificate in Digital Curation, offered through the online graduate program in Museum Studies, advances the education and training of museum professionals worldwide in this emerging field.
This certificate offers a specialized curriculum that is critically needed in the museum field. It will prepare current and aspiring museum professionals to manage the growing volume and variety of digital data of long-term value that museums are now producing, acquiring, storing and sharing with researchers, educators and the public. It will train students to work with digital collections, exhibitions, and research data that will ensure the longevity of our global cultural heritage of which museums are the stewards.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Assistant Digital Archivist at Rockefeller Archive Center
The Rockefeller Archive Center is recruiting an Assistant Digital Archivist.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The candidate will provide expertise to support the analysis, selection, and implementation of metadata schemas appropriate to the cataloging and discovery platforms at the RAC. Reporting to the Assistant Director- Head of Digital Programs, the successful candidate will collaborate with archivists throughout the RAC, providing training and supervision as assigned.
The candidate will be expected to explore software tools and applications of different technologies for cataloging and metadata production and maintenance; identify, implement, and test applications that will help automate or improve the efficiency and productivity of RAC’s operations, especially those related to scanning and digital duplication; manage documentation and promote knowledge transfer and training for descriptive and digitization practices at the RAC; maintain knowledge of and participate in national and international developments in metadata standards, cataloging, bibliographic and authority control; and participate in professional development activities.
Debating Open Access
The British Academy has released Debating Open Access.
Here's an excerpt:
We decided at an early stage when thinking about putting these papers together, in January 2013, that we needed to have as contributors people who thought open access was a good thing, the way forward; people who thought it was a good thing but fraught with practical problems which were ill-understood by some of its advocates; and people who thought it was a bad thing in principle. This is what we have indeed commissioned. We have not got the full spectrum of views about open access, for sure, which would have required very many more articles . . .There is also diversity in the contributors: academics and publishers, representatives of learned societies, natural and social scientists as well as historians and literary critics, although the important perspective of university librarians is one that is missing.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
DigitalCurationNews (7/9/2013) #digitalpreservation
- Building a Sustainable Metadata Workflow for Audio-Visual Resources: University of Illinois Library's Medusa Digital Preservation Repository
- The Final SPRUCE Digital Preservation Mashup: How We Got On
- 3 Things to Change the World for Personal Digital Archiving
- New Checklist for a Data Management Plan
- Preserving Digital Archives [SAA course]
- Research Data Management in the Arts and Humanities [Conference]
Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 7/9/2013
- Dutch Libraries Go to Court to Make Sure They Can Lend Ebooks, http://t.co/xW5FtJQ57y
- Open Access Research Issues in the Humanities and Social Sciences [Presentations], http://t.co/EnJfvMepef
- These New Ads Look Back at You, http://t.co/mu9OlxKGsf
- What Happens When the Marginal Cost of Content is No Longer Zero?, http://t.co/OJrrJXGo53
- 3D Printing for All: Inside Chicago Library’s New "Pop-Up Maker Lab." http://t.co/l3RRsToZKp
- The Impact of Open Textbooks at OpenStax College, http://t.co/9wwggfLXDu
Metadata Librarian at University of Pennsylvania State University Libraries
The University of Pennsylvania State University Libraries are recruiting a Metadata Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The University Libraries has a program of cutting-edge development in scholarly publishing, data curation and digital content management. The first product of this program is ScholarSphere, Penn State's repository service based on Hydra/Fedora infrastructure. The Libraries plans to extend ScholarSphere as well as to develop other Hydra/Fedora-based products, such as services for long-term preservation and access to archival records. This development is done in a highly collaborative environment, based on use cases created in consultation with the researchers whose data is being curated. The Metadata Librarian will contribute appropriate leadership and expertise to this program, our digitization program, our web-based resources, and other local, national, and international programs where metadata expertise is required.
"The .txtual Condition: Digital Humanities, Born-Digital Archives, and the Future Literary"
Matthew Kirschenbaum has published "The .txtual Condition: Digital Humanities, Born-Digital Archives, and the Future Literary" in a preview issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly.
Here's an excerpt:
Here then are some specifics I have considered as to how digital humanities might usefully collaborate with those archivists even now working on born-digital collections:
- Digital archivists need digital humanities researchers and subject experts to use born-digital collections. Nothing is more important. If humanities researchers don't demand access to born-digital materials then it will be harder to get those materials processed in a timely fashion, and we know that with the born-digital every day counts.
- Digital humanists need the long-term perspective on data that archivists have. Today's digital humanities projects are, after all, the repository objects of tomorrow's born-digital archives. Funders are increasingly (and rightfully) insistent about the need to have a robust data management and sustainability plan built into project proposals from the outset. Therefore, there is much opportunity for collaboration and team-building around not only archiving and preservation, but the complete data curation cycle. This extends to the need to jointly plan around storage and institutional infrastructure.
- Digital archivists and digital humanists need common and interoperable digital tools. Open source community-driven development at the intersection of the needs of digital archivists, humanities scholars, and even collections' donors should become an urgent priority.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Data Services Librarian at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries are recruiting a Data Services Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The successful candidate will play a leadership role creating a campus environment for successful discovery, use, and management of locally and externally available data especially in the areas of science and social science research. Duties include providing assistance to researchers who need help developing a data management plan, including data curation issues related to creation, documentation, and metadata standards; developing and promoting an understanding of the theory, principles, and evolving practice of scholarly communication; and developing library services to support the data curation needs of faculty, staff, and graduate researchers to meet the data management and sharing requirements of various funding agencies. This position reports to the Assistant Director of Libraries for User and Research Services.
"How Copyright Makes Books and Music Disappear (and How Secondary Liability Rules Help Resurrect Old Songs)"
Paul J. Heald has self-archived "How Copyright Makes Books and Music Disappear (and How Secondary Liability Rules Help Resurrect Old Songs)" in SSRN.
Here's an excerpt:
A random sample of new books for sale on Amazon.com shows three times more books initially published in the 1850's are for sale than new books from the 1950's. Why? This paper presents new data on how copyright seems to make works disappear. First, a random sample of 2300 new books for sale on Amazon.com is analyzed along with a random sample of 2000 songs available on new DVD's. Copyright status correlates highly with absence from the Amazon shelf. Together with publishing business models, copyright law seems to stifle distribution and access. . . . Second, the availability on YouTube of songs that reached number one on the U.S., French, and Brazilian pop charts from 1930-60 is analyzed in terms of the identity of the uploader, type of upload, number of views, date of upload, and monetization status. An analysis of the data demonstrates that the DMCA safe harbor system as applied to YouTube helps maintain some level of access to old songs by allowing those possessing copies (primarily infringers) to communicate relatively costlessly with copyright owners to satisfy the market of potential listeners.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
DigitalCurationNews (7/8/2013) #digitalpreservation
- Digital Preservation Librarian and Records Manager at Marshall University Libraries
- OPF Hackathon: Hadoop-Driven Digital Preservation
- DC-2013, Lisbon, Portugal
- Call For Proposals from Undergraduate, Master's and Recently Graduated Students (May 2011 or later): "Digital Liaisons: Engaging with Digital Curation Theory and Practice"
- What People Are Asking About Personal Digital Archiving: Part 2
- International Journal of Digital Curation 8, no. 1 (2013)
- Web Archiving Bibliography 2013
Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 7/8/2013
- Young Researchers in Digital Humanities: A Manifesto, http://t.co/tGAiEX5Nd3
- RIAA Hits 25 Million Google Takedowns, Web Blocking Making Things Worse, http://t.co/JmhMVXMfbi
- DCWG Shifts Focus as Ebook Landscape Evolves, http://t.co/swSRQnNl6o
- The Latest Advances in the Promotion and Implementation of OA policies in Italy, http://t.co/Z0GH35FG94
- California's Open Access Bill Encounters A Hurdle, But Gathers Support, https://t.co/2CiVggYIqz
Digital Archivist at New York University Libraries
The New York University Libraries are recruiting a Digital Archivist.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Digital Archivist, reporting to the Director of Collections & Research Services and the Director of Digital Library Technology Services, will lead New York University Libraries' efforts to manage the existing born digital holdings and expand the capacity to collect born digital content, ensure effective acquisition, appraisal, description, preservation, future migration, access to and security of digital components of collections acquired by the Libraries.
"Publishers and Universities Respond to the OSTP Mandate"
Denise Troll Covey has self-archived "Publishers and Universities Respond to the OSTP Mandate" in SelectedWorks.
Here's an excerpt:
Brief summary and comparison of the Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States (CHORUS) announced by the Association of American Publishers and the Shared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) announced by the American Association of Universities, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and Association of Research Libraries.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Digital Preservation Librarian and Records Manager at Marshall University Libraries
The Marshall University Libraries are recruiting a Digital Preservation Librarian and Records Manager.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
As a member of the Special Collections Department team, research, develop, document, and implement a digital preservation program to ensure preservation of all the University's archival, manuscript, map, rare boo, and other special collections of enduring value. Review existing Library practices and analyze needs and establish policies and best practices for the long-term protection and access to digital materials of all types, both created by or acquired by the Special Collections and Archives Department. While the Department's focus has been on text and images, digital collections to be preserved bay also include data, audio-visual resources, Web pages and ephemera.
"Unintended Consequences: New Materialist Perspectives on Library Technologies and the Digital Record"
portal: Libraries and the Academy has released an e-print of "Unintended Consequences: New Materialist Perspectives on Library Technologies and the Digital Record" by Marlene Manoff.
Here's an excerpt:
Digital technology has irrevocably altered the nature of the archive. Drawing on materialist critiques and the evolving field of media archaeology, this essay explores new strategies for understanding the implications of computer networks in libraries. Although a significant portion of the contemporary literature within Library and Information Science (LIS) addresses issues of technological change, the materialist and multidisciplinary approaches proposed here provide a theoretical basis for investigating the current state of library technologies in new ways. These methods provide insight into the proliferation of digital products and the cycles of platform adoption and replacement that have marked the past decades of library development. They also help to reframe questions about content aggregation and the licensing of digital scholarship.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog (June 30, 2013)
The latest bimonthly update of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog is now available. It provides information about selected new works related to scholarly electronic publishing, such as books, e-prints, journal articles, technical reports, and white papers.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
DigitalKoans Posts Resume on 7/8/2013
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 7/8/2013.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Digital Archivist at University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
The University of Colorado Boulder Libraries are recruiting a Digital Archivist.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
This is a tenure-stream faculty position reporting to the Director of Archives & Special Collections (ASC). Duties for this critical position include leading efforts to preserve, describe, and provide access to born-digital archival and special collections materials; developing processes for archiving and preserving born-digital materials including email, Web sites, social media, and other digital primary materials acquired on a variety of current or legacy formats such as tape, floppy disks, hard drives, and mobile devices; acquiring and maintaining legacy hardware and software that may be necessary for providing access to digital materials; developing and documenting procedures (and building infrastructure) for the acquisition of born-digital collections and electronic records and for the routine migration of materials to maintain formatting compatibility with Libraries IT software and hardware; providing digital program development, guidance in best practices for data management, training and development for library personnel and campus departments as needed; and delivering born-digital content to external discovery and delivery mechanisms in collaboration with specialists in cataloging and metadata, information technology, and scholarly communications.
Web Developer/Designer at Harvard Library
The Harvard Library is recruiting a Web Developer/Designer.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Web Developer/Designer serves as front end Drupal developer for Harvard Library web sites, electronic publications and designer for electronic resources and print materials. . . .
- Plays key role in design, development, implementation and maintenance of new Library portal in Drupal 7.
"Linking Information Seeking Patterns with Purpose, Use, Value, and Return on Investment of Academic Library Journals"
Donald W. King and Carol Tenopir have published "Linking Information Seeking Patterns with Purpose, Use, Value, and Return on Investment of Academic Library Journals" in the latest issue of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.
Here's an excerpt:
The emphasis of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship of how purposes of reading scholarly journals (e.g., research, teaching, current awareness, etc.) lead to the information seeking patterns used by them (e.g., how they identify articles that are read, where they obtain them, etc.), which dictates certain aspects of use (e.g., how much is read, age of articles read, format of the articles, etc.), which is related to the positive outcomes or value of reading (e.g., increased productivity, improved research or teaching, saving readers' time or money, etc.), which serves as return components of the ROI of academic library journal collections.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Associate Director, Creation & Curation Services at Case Western Reserve University Kelvin Smith Library
The Case Western Reserve University Kelvin Smith Library is recruiting an Associate Director, Creation & Curation Services.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
There are two teams for which ADCC has direct responsibility: 1) Digital Learning and Scholarship. As a highly technology-driven organization, the ADCC is the key strategic officer responsible for defining, driving and administering all technology-related programs and services of the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL). The associate director assesses the strategic IT trends and innovations that could impact library directions, develops innovative and cost-effective solutions, and administers a staff to implement the vision. The ADCC provides services appropriate to a library serving as a world-class academic research university, including: (a) the development of the Kelvin Smith Library's digital strategies; (b) management of the library's digital scholarly services (including the Freedman Center and the Statistics and GIS Data Center); (c) developing, implementing and managing reliable technologies systems and infrastructure (including the integrated library system, Digital Case, and locally-developed software); and, (d) the library website and other social media, and computer and networking hardware and software]. In addition, the ADCC serves as the primary KSL officer responsible for interaction and collaboration with University ITS on joint initiatives such as the visualization center, collaborative learning facilities, etc. In addition, work with other key university partners such as UCITE to develop innovative library solutions in the areas of teaching and research. 2) CWRU Scholarly Resources and Special Collections, including library special collections and university archives, and print and media preservation, digitization and curation services (e.g., research data management, repository services).
"Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries—Some Insights from EDaWaX"
Sven Vlaeminck has published "Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries—Some Insights from EDaWaX" in the latest issue of LIBER Quarterly.
Here's an excerpt:
In this paper we summarize the findings of an empirical study conducted by the EDaWaX-Project. 141 economics journals were examined regarding the quality and extent of data availability policies that should support replications of published empirical results in economics. This paper suggests criteria for such policies that aim to facilitate replications. These criteria were also used for analysing the data availability policies we found in our sample and to identify best practices for data policies of scholarly journals in economics. In addition, we also evaluated the journals' data archives and checked the percentage of articles associated with research data. To conclude, an appraisal as to how scientific libraries might support the linkage of publications to underlying research data in cooperation with researchers, editors, publishers and data centres is presented.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
DigitalCurationNews (6/21/2013) #digitalpreservation
- DROID 6.1.2 Now Available—Now with Java 1.7 Compatibility
- Canadian Community of Practice for Research Data Management in Libraries
- Step One, Fit In: Finding a Place for Web Archiving
- International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 8, no. 1 (2013)
- ARL, SAA Partner to Offer Digital Archives Specialist Courses at ARL Libraries
- Panel: Beyond Bits and Bytes: the Organizational Dimension of Digital Preservation, Stefan Strathmann and Natascha Schumann [Video, Open Archival Information System]