"University of California Agreement with Wiley Expands to All 10 UC Campuses: New Agreement Quadruples the Number of UC Articles Eligible for Free and Open Access in Wiley Journals"

The University of California, which generates nearly 10 percent of U.S. research output, and Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers, announced today an expansion of their open access agreement. Researchers at all 10 UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) will now receive funding support to publish open access, making significantly more UC research freely available to people around the world.


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"Digital Information Security Management Policy in Academic Libraries: A Systematic Review (2010–2022)"

Digital information security management (DISM) is considered an important tool to ensure the privacy and protection of data and resources in an electronic environment. The purpose of this research is to look into the applications of DISM policies in terms of practices and implementation in academic libraries. It also identifies the challenges faced by academic libraries in applying these DISM practices regarding policy. A systematic literature review was conducted to achieve the objectives of the study. . . . A few libraries have developed a mechanism to protect and secure users’ sensitive data from hackers, viruses, malware and social engineering. Findings indicated that both organisations and users trust libraries due to their strict privacy and data security policies. However, some academic libraries did not adopt and implement DISM policies in their organisations, even though they had written DISM policies.


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| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |

University of Kansas: "Carol Smith Selected as Next Dean of KU Libraries"

The University of Kansas has selected Carol E. Smith to be the dean of the KU Libraries. Smith currently serves as university librarian at Colorado School of Mines, an institution with a Carnegie classification of very high research activity. Her appointment as dean of KU Libraries is effective July 3. . . .

Smith comprehensively reorganized the Colorado School of Mines library and museum in direct support of strategic goals. She established the Scholars Hub, a center for scholarly communications and open initiatives, and created a new engagement librarian role responsible for student outreach and robust curricular and cocurricular programming, including book discussions, workshops and more. She recruited new leadership that turned a static campus museum into a top regional family attraction with a K-12 outreach program.


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Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2022: Navigating the New Normal

Many library deans and directors are grappling with talent management and recruitment challenges. Nearly a fifth of respondents anticipate reducing staff in access services and technical services, metadata, and cataloging within the next five years. Furthermore, deans and directors are currently struggling to recruit personnel for roles in technology and programing, DEIA, cataloging and metadata, and indicate they are most likely to consider outsourcing cataloging and metadata and technology and programming skills.


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| Digital Scholarship |

Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 3

Digital Scholarship has released the Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, version 3. This bibliography includes over 300 selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports about academic libraries’ digital publishing programs from 1989 though 2022. While academic libraries have published a variety of digital publications during this period, this bibliography primarily covers the open access publishing of scholarly books, journals, and other serials. It provides a brief narrative overview of the early development of these publishing efforts. It covers the establishment of new university presses by academic libraries, especially all-digital open access presses, and the merger or cooperative efforts of libraries and university presses. It also covers the technical publishing infrastructures used by library publishing programs. It includes full abstracts for works under certain Creative Commons Licenses. It is available as a website and a PDF file (52 pages). It includes a Google Translate link.

The bibliography has the following major sections:


Digital Scholarship’s website bibliographies have been reformatted as single-page files and a PDF file designed for printing has been made available for each one. They include a Google Translate link.

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| Digital Scholarship |

Building a Community of Assessment: Final Report of the Research Library Impact Framework Pilot Initiative

The RLIF provides a structure to examine library services, operations, impact, and alignment with institutional mission and goals across four critical areas: Research and Scholarly Life Cycle; Teaching, Learning, and Student Success; Collections; and Physical Space. The full framework includes 185 potential research questions across these critical areas. However, the framework is also meant to be flexible and modular, allowing for modifications and adjustments based on salient issues facing research libraries. In this way, the framework serves as a tool to organize and prioritize research efforts.


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| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |

Penn State: "University Libraries Expands Open Access Support via 3 New BTAA [Big 10] Agreements"

The agreements with Wiley, Institute of Physics (IOP) and Microbiology Society cover OA publishing charges for Penn State corresponding authors publishing in these publishers’ journals. Those qualified articles will be immediately open access on the publisher’s platform. These publishers will offer a choice of open access licenses to Penn State authors publishing in their journals. Authors retain copyright in their articles.

The agreements run for three years from Jan. 1, 2023, to Dec. 31, 2025. In general, articles will need to be accepted during the agreements’ timeframe. The agreements also cover subscriptions and read access to Wiley, Institute of Physics (IOP) and Microbiology Society journals. Unlimited open access publishing is included with no additional cost to individual Penn State authors.



| Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship |

"University of Oregon and Oregon State University Collaborate to Launch Oregon Digital"

The University of Oregon and Oregon State University are proud to announce the launch of Oregon Digital, a cultural heritage repository that brings together more than 500,000 digitized works from both universities, including unique digitized and born-digital collections. This collaborative effort includes historic and modern photographs, manuscripts, publications, and more.


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University Librarian at Concordia University

The Library holds over 2.2 million titles and welcomes over 2 million visitors annually from Concordia and the public. A leading proponent of Open Educational Resources, the Library features a technology sandbox and visualization studio with an immersive audio system that have well-defined service models to support a broad range of research, teaching, and learning activities. In addition to its collection of print and digital materials, the Library hosts a large range of special collections, including the Karl Polanyi Archive, the Negro Community Centre / Charles H. Este Cultural Centre archives, the Jazz Association of Montreal Fonds, and La Centrale Fonds. The Library is also home to Concordia University Press.


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University Librarian at Boston University

Boston University (BU) is seeking its next University Librarian to lead and implement a strategic vision for BU Libraries as part of our vibrant academic experience and thriving research community, with a major focus on the renovation of its central campus library, Mugar Memorial Library, a critical component of the BU2030 Strategic Plan. . . . The University today enrolls more than 36,000 students, including over 17,000 undergraduates, and employs more than 4,000 faculty members across 17 schools and colleges offering more than 300 programs of study. Its current annual operating budget is approximately $2.5 billion.


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Dean of the Libraries at Tulane University

The next Dean will build upon a solid foundation and excellent special and general collections across highly diverse academic areas to collaboratively develop and articulate a comprehensive strategic vision for the Tulane Libraries. Working closely with the Provost and a team of 96 library staff, the next Dean must develop measurable goals and articulate new priorities that will guide the Libraries’ path forward, encompassing both the Tulane Libraries’ role and physical spaces on campus, its relationship to the evolving information landscape, and its home within the multicultural, sophisticated, and vibrant community of New Orleans.


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Dean of the USC Libraries at University of Southern California

President Carol Folt has outlined a bold set of moonshot initiatives that include a dramatic investment in the "Frontiers of Computing" and an expansion of the university’s health science efforts, and the next Dean will ensure the USC Libraries are aligned with these strategic initiatives while continuing to serve the expansive needs of USC’s equally expansive academic community. The Dean must recognize the Libraries’ existing strengths while building on its success, further elevating its national and international profile. With the strong support of the university administration, the next Dean will lead the USC Libraries into an exciting new era, in which traditional resources remain vital while digital technologies are re-defining the role of academic libraries.


UNC-CH "María Estorino Named Vice Provost for University Libraries and University Librarian"

We are excited to share that María R. Estorino has been appointed vice provost for University Libraries and university librarian, effective Jan. 30. She has held this role in an interim capacity since May and will continue to provide collaborative and community-focused leadership on our campus.

Estorino has been a leader in academic libraries for more than 20 years. She joined the University Libraries in 2017 as associate university librarian for special collections and director of the Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library.


"Columbia University Joins the Palace Project Platform and App"

The Palace Project ("Palace"), the nonprofit library-centered platform and e-reader app for digital content and services, announced today that the Columbia University Library has adopted its platform. The Palace Project is an easy-to-use platform for the management and delivery of ebooks, audiobooks, and other e-content and puts libraries at the center of their communities’ digital experience. . . . The Palace App is available for iOS and Android. . . . In addition to Columbia University, New York University (NYU) and the University of California are academic library partners.


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Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: "[Christopher] Prom Named Interim Dean of Libraries and University Librarian"

Christoper J. Prom is a Professor in the University Library and currently serves in two administrative roles: Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation — Humanities, Arts and Related Fields (May 2022 – ) and Associate Dean for Digital Strategies — University Library (2018 – ). From 2000 to 2018, he served as Assistant University Archivist in the University of Illinois Archives.


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Paywall: "The Organization of Information Technology Activities in North American Research Libraries"

This study presents the results of an online survey that benchmarked the organization of information technology (IT) functions in academic library members of the Association of Research Libraries. The survey investigated whether responsibility for 14 key areas resided in the libraries or in an institution-level information technology department, whether responsibilities have shifted over the past 20 years, satisfaction with services provided, assessment methods used to evaluate information technology services, and top challenges facing library IT.


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"Institute of Physics Publishing Strikes Unlimited Publishing Deal with Big Ten Academic Alliance"

Strengthening the commitment to opening research, IOP Publishing (IOPP) has agreed to a three-year unlimited open publishing agreement with the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) consortium in the United States (US). Beginning January 2023, the agreement enables affiliated researchers to publish unlimited Open Access (OA) papers at no cost to them. . . . During the agreement, authors affiliated with Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions will be able to make their research openly accessible to the global community immediately after publication while retaining their copyright.


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Dean and University Librarian at University of Cincinnati

The Dean will serve a critical role in supporting the university’s strategic direction Next Lives Here and its growth as a premier public research university. Within the University, the Dean operates as a thought leader who partners with other deans, senior administration, faculty, staff, and students to ensure that the Libraries elevate all aspects of UC’s core educational and research enterprise, whether it be in the classroom, in community partnerships, or in creative endeavors. As such, the Dean coordinates the daily operations of 10 different library locations.


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Dean of Libraries at Binghamton University

Binghamton University is seeking an innovative, visionary, and collaborative leader to serve as its next Dean of Libraries. . . . One of four research universities in the SUNY system, Binghamton enrolls more than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students in its six schools and colleges. . . . The Binghamton University Libraries lay claim to more than 3.2 million books and journals and an expanding network of 225 electronic databases. The Binghamton Libraries is comprised of four physical locations: Glenn G. Bartle Library, Science Library, University Downtown and the Annex. Faculty, staff and more than 100 student employees deliver an array of critical services, including digital scholarship, open repository and digital preservation and more.


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"Texas Universities Reach Historic Deal with Elsevier: TLCUA Saves Texas Universities Millions Collectively"

All TLCUA members will receive a discount on journal subscriptions—some as high as 30%—while still maintaining significant amounts of access to journals and combined, will realize a savings of over $4.75M annually. Beyond initial cost savings, Elsevier agreed to a maximum annual increase of 2% over the course of the license agreement, with some years as low as 0%, which is significantly lower than industry standard. . . . TLCUA and Elsevier have agreed to partner on a pilot project to revert ownership of journal articles back to original authors—and not just those at TLCUA-member institutions. Currently, authors transfer copyright of their work in exchange for that work being published. This pilot will provide for rights to go back to authors after a period of time that will be collaboratively determined with Elsevier. . . . Further, all TLCUA-member authors who choose to publish their work under an open access license will have access to discounted author publication charges (APCs). TLCUA also negotiated a license template that removed non-disclosure terms, restrictions on sharing usage data, and 44-year-old limitations on interlibrary loans (i.e., CONTU Guidelines) to expand library collaboration and improve how libraries can share information on journal usage.


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University of Washington: "Elsevier Negotiation Update 11/2/2022"

At $2.6M per year and an annual 2.5% increase, the Elsevier journal package is the most expensive annual expenditure for the University of Washington (UW) Libraries. For context, the total UW Libraries collections budget for the Seattle campus is approximately $16 million, and we spend about $13 million on ongoing subscriptions. Immediate access to 2,500 Elsevier journal titles published in the current year represent about 15% of the Libraries annual collections budget. . . .The Elsevier journal package reinforces the scholarly publishing model based on paywalls and rationing of access, inequitable opportunities for publishing, and excessive pricing and annual price increases that undermines a scholarly ecosystem where the open sharing of knowledge is critical to accelerating change for the public good. . . .As a result, the Libraries will be unable to maintain immediate access for all titles in our current list of 2,500 Elsevier journal titles on ScienceDirect. There is no choice but to begin identifying which journals need to be available for immediate access to meet patient care needs as well as long term use for research, teaching, and learning. The Libraries will continue to provide faculty, students and staff access to published articles through alternative access options such as PubMed Central, Google Scholar, and interlibrary loan — most requested articles are delivered within a few hours or business days.


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"Research Data Management Needs Assessment of Clemson University"

The faculty, staff, and graduate students at Clemson University were surveyed by the library about their RDM needs in the spring of 2021. The survey was based on previous surveys from 2012 and 2016 to allow for comparison, but language was updated, and additional questions were added because the field of RDM has evolved. Survey findings indicated that researchers are overall more likely to back up and share their data, but the process of cleaning and preparing the data for sharing was an obstacle. Few researchers reported including metadata when sharing or consulting the library for help with writing a Data Management Plan (DMP). Researchers want RDM resources; offering and effectively marketing those resources will enable libraries to both support researchers and encourage best practices. Understanding researcher needs and offering time-saving services and convenient training options makes following RDM best practices easier for researchers. Outreach and integrated partnerships that support the research life cycle are crucial next steps for ensuring effective data management.


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Paywall: "Expanding Your Institutional Repository: Librarians Working with Faculty"

Since a successful institutional repository will contain a higher percentage of the contributors’ materials, we implemented a system to upload faculty publications more effectively to our academic library’s institutional repository.. . . The success of this method is indicated by the increase in articles that have been uploaded to our institutional repository; as a result of the implementation of this program, the number of publications in our university’s institutional repository by these authors has increased 174 %.


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Investments in Open: Association of Research Libraries US University Member Expenditures on Services, Collections, Staff, and Infrastructure in Support of Open Scholarship

In total, 46 of the 102 institutions provided full or partial results. Summary results are divided into the following categories: read-and-publish or transitional agreements, article processing charges (APC) or OA funds, non-APC-based OA publishing models, institutional repository services, OA journal hosting and publishing services, and open monographs.

The survey found that the total aggregate spending on open access for all 46 responding libraries was $32 million USD, with an average expenditure per institution of $785,940. This represents an average of 2.26% of the total library budget spent on open, ranging from 0.19% to 11.02% across respondent libraries. As a portion of the total amount of expenses spent on OA infrastructure, the majority of funds are invested in read-and-publish agreements (~$20 million) followed by institutional repository infrastructure with investments of 17% of total OA expenses (~$5 million) across the 46 institutions.


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"Elisabeth Long Appointed Sheridan Dean of University Libraries, Archives, and Museums at Johns Hopkins University"

Long has served as associate university librarian for information technology (IT) and digital scholarship at The University of Chicago (UChicago) since 2016, where she began her career in 1998. She currently oversees digital scholarship services for students and faculty at UChicago and is responsible for the library’s IT infrastructure that supports the preservation of digital archives, books, and data. She also served as interim library director and university librarian from December 2021 through April 2022.


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