The State of Open Data 2018—Global Attitudes towards Open Data

Figshare has released The State of Open Data 2018—Global Attitudes towards Open Data.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The key finding is that open data has become more embedded in the research community—64% of survey respondents reveal they made their data openly available in 2018. However, a surprising number of respondents (60%) had never heard of the FAIR principles, a guideline to enhance the reusability of academic data.

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"IU Will Lead $2 Million Partnership to Expand Access to Research Data"

Indiana University has released "IIU Will Lead $2 Million Partnership to Expand Access to Research Data."

Here's an excerpt:

A $2 million project to create a secure online database for academic resources, the Shared BigData Gateway for Research Libraries has been awarded nearly $850,000 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the primary federal funding agency supporting the nation's libraries and museums. Additional support comes from eight other universities in the Big Ten; the Big Ten Academic Alliance; the National Science Foundation's Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs program; and two private companies: Clarivate Analytics and Microsoft Research.

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"The EnviDat Concept for an Institutional Environmental Data Portal"

Ionuţ Iosifescu Enescu et al. have published "The EnviDat Concept for an Institutional Environmental Data Portal" in Data Science Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

EnviDat supports data producers and data users in registration, documentation, storage, publication, search and retrieval of a wide range of heterogeneous data sets from the environmental domain. Innovative features include (i) a flexible, three-layer metadata schema, (ii) an additive data discovery model that considers spatial data and (iii) a DataCRediT mechanism designed for specifying data authorship.

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"Sharing Health Research Data—The Role of Funders in Improving the Impact"

Robert F. Terry et al. have published "Sharing Health Research Data—The Role of Funders in Improving the Impact" in F1000Research (awaiting peer review).

Here's an excerpt:

Funders need to engage early with the researchers and related stakeholders to understand their concerns and work harder to define the more explicitly the benefits to all stakeholders. Secondly, there needs to be a direct benefit to sharing data that is directly relevant to those people that collect and curate the data. Thirdly more work needs to be done to realise the intent of making data sharing resources more equitable, ethical and efficient. Finally, a checklist of the issues that need to be addressed when designing new or revising existing data sharing resources should be created.

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"High-performance Computing Service for Bioinformatics and Data Science"

Jean-Paul Courneya and Alexa Mayo have published "High-performance Computing Service for Bioinformatics and Data Science" in the Journal of the Medical Library Association.

Here's an excerpt:

Despite having an ideal setup in their labs for wet work, researchers often lack the computational infrastructure to analyze the magnitude of data that result from “-omics” experiments. In this innovative project, the library supports analysis of high-throughput data from global molecular profiling experiments by offering a high-performance computer with open source software along with expert bioinformationist support. The audience for this new service is faculty, staff, and students for whom using the university's large scale, CORE computational resources is not warranted because these resources exceed the needs of smaller projects. In the library's approach, users are empowered to analyze high-throughput data that they otherwise would not be able to on their own computers. To develop the project, the library's bioinformationist identified the ideal computing hardware and a group of open source bioinformatics software to provide analysis options for experimental data such as scientific images, sequence reads, and flow cytometry files. To close the loop between learning and practice, the bioinformationist developed self-guided learning materials and workshops or consultations on topics such as the National Center for Biotechnology Information's BLAST, Bioinformatics on the Cloud, and ImageJ. Researchers apply the data analysis techniques that they learned in the classroom in an ideal computing environment.

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"Open Data, Grey Data, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier"

Christine L. Borgman has self-archived "Open Data, Grey Data, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier."

Here's an excerpt:

As universities recognize the inherent value in the data they collect and hold, they encounter unforeseen challenges in stewarding those data in ways that balance accountability, transparency, and protection of privacy, academic freedom, and intellectual property. Two parallel developments in academic data collection are converging: (1) open access requirements, whereby researchers must provide access to their data as a condition of obtaining grant funding or publishing results in journals; and (2) the vast accumulation of 'grey data' about individuals in their daily activities of research, teaching, learning, services, and administration. The boundaries between research and grey data are blurring, making it more difficult to assess the risks and responsibilities associated with any data collection. Many sets of data, both research and grey, fall outside privacy regulations such as HIPAA, FERPA, and PII. Universities are exploiting these data for research, learning analytics, faculty evaluation, strategic decisions, and other sensitive matters. Commercial entities are besieging universities with requests for access to data or for partnerships to mine them. The privacy frontier facing research universities spans open access practices, uses and misuses of data, public records requests, cyber risk, and curating data for privacy protection. This paper explores the competing values inherent in data stewardship and makes recommendations for practice, drawing on the pioneering work of the University of California in privacy and information security, data governance, and cyber risk.

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"Surveying the State of Data Curation: a Review of Policy and Practice in UK HEIs"

Amy Pham has self-archived "Surveying the State of Data Curation: a Review of Policy and Practice in UK HEIs."

Here's an excerpt:

Through a three-part methodology, the dissertation research aimed to provide a clear picture of the current state of data curation in UK HEIs, including adherence to best practices and the existence of provisions for data curation efforts. A survey questionnaire was disseminated as the primary method of data collection, and additional information was gathered through a literature review and an analysis of online resources and institutional policies. Data curation practices were found to be mostly inconsistent with best practices and were largely focused on facilitating access to research data. However, there is an awareness of the underdeveloped areas of data curation, especially preservation, and efforts are being made to improve these areas. Institutional policies were found to be mostly documents that defined roles and responsibilities and provided little guidance for follow-through. The role of researchers was repeatedly emphasized in both policy and practice and was essential in understanding the current state of data curation.

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"Facilitating and Improving Environmental Research Data Repository Interoperability"

Corinna Gries et al. have published "Facilitating and Improving Environmental Research Data Repository Interoperability" in Data Science Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Environmental research data repositories provide much needed services for data preservation and data dissemination to diverse communities with domain specific or programmatic data needs and standards. Due to independent development these repositories serve their communities well, but were developed with different technologies, data models and using different ontologies. Hence, the effectiveness and efficiency of these services can be vastly improved if repositories work together adhering to a shared community platform that focuses on the implementation of agreed upon standards and best practices for curation and dissemination of data. Such a community platform drives forward the convergence of technologies and practices that will advance cross-domain interoperability. It will also facilitate contributions from investigators through standardized and streamlined workflows and provide increased visibility for the role of data managers and the curation services provided by data repositories, beyond preservation infrastructure. Ten specific suggestions for such standardizations are outlined without any suggestions for priority or technical implementation. Although the recommendations are for repositories to implement, they have been chosen specifically with the data provider/data curator and synthesis scientist in mind.

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"Towards a Culture of Open Science and Data Sharing in Health and Medical Research"

Anisa Rowhani-Farid has self-archived "Towards a Culture of Open Science and Data Sharing in Health and Medical Research."

Here's an excerpt:

This [Ph.D] thesis investigated the factors that contribute to the cultural shift towards open science and data sharing in health and medical research, with a focus on the role health and medical journals play. The findings of this research demonstrate that journal data sharing policies are not effective and that journals do not currently provide incentives for sharing. This study contributed to the movement towards more reproducible research by providing empirical evidence for the strengthening of journal data sharing policies and the adoption of an incentive for open research.

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Science as an Open Enterprise

The Royal Society has released Science as an Open Enterprise.

Here's an excerpt:

This report analyses the impact of new and emerging technologies that are transforming the conduct and communication of research. The recommendations are designed to improve the conduct of science, respond to changing public expectations and political culture and enable researchers to maximise the impact of their research. They are designed to ensure that reproducibility and self-correction are maintained in an era of massive data volumes. They aim to stimulate the communication and collaboration where these are needed to maximise the value of data-intensive approaches to science.

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"Ensuring the Long-Term Accessibility of Creative Content"

Wendi Maloney has published "Ensuring the Long-Term Accessibility of Creative Content" in the Library of Congress Blog.

Here's an excerpt:

Since the first edition of the Recommended Formats Statement came out in 2014, the Library of Congress has been committed to making it as useful as possible to a wide and varied audience. The statement identifies formats, or sets of technical characteristics – such as physical books, digital file types, specific editions or specific metadata elements—that encourage preservation and long-term access for creative works. Recently, the Library released an updated 2018–19 edition of the statement. . . .

To make the statement useful, it has to reflect reality. For example, the 2018-19 edition of the statement emphasizes the benefit of electronic delivery of datasets. Datasets are a rapidly expanding content area that bring unique challenges for large-scale file delivery and repository management. The datasets section of the statement now includes a preference for access by public or private online URLs over tangible media such as CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. This more accurately reflects the reality of acquiring and managing digital content in modern workflows.

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"Populating the Data Ark: An Attempt to Retrieve, Preserve, and Liberate Data from the Most Highly-Cited Psychology and Psychiatry Articles"

Tom E. Hardwicke and John P. A. Ioannidis have published "Populating the Data Ark: An Attempt to Retrieve, Preserve, and Liberate Data from the Most Highly-Cited Psychology and Psychiatry Articles" in PLOS ONE.

Here's an excerpt:

The vast majority of scientific articles published to-date have not been accompanied by concomitant publication of the underlying research data upon which they are based. This state of affairs precludes the routine re-use and re-analysis of research data, undermining the efficiency of the scientific enterprise, and compromising the credibility of claims that cannot be independently verified. It may be especially important to make data available for the most influential studies that have provided a foundation for subsequent research and theory development. Therefore, we launched an initiative—the Data Ark—to examine whether we could retrospectively enhance the preservation and accessibility of important scientific data. Here we report the outcome of our efforts to retrieve, preserve, and liberate data from 111 of the most highly-cited articles published in psychology and psychiatry between 2006–2011 (n = 48) and 2014–2016 (n = 63). Most data sets were not made available (76/111, 68%, 95% CI [60, 77]), some were only made available with restrictions (20/111, 18%, 95% CI [10, 27]), and few were made available in a completely unrestricted form (15/111, 14%, 95% CI [5, 22]). Where extant data sharing systems were in place, they usually (17/22, 77%, 95% CI [54, 91]) did not allow unrestricted access. Authors reported several barriers to data sharing, including issues related to data ownership and ethical concerns. The Data Ark initiative could help preserve and liberate important scientific data, surface barriers to data sharing, and advance community discussions on data stewardship.

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"Open Science Support as a Portfolio of Services and Projects: From Awareness to Engagement"

Birgit Schmidt et al. have published "Open Science Support as a Portfolio of Services and Projects: From Awareness to Engagement" in Publications.

Here's an excerpt:

Together with many other universities worldwide, the University of Gõttingen has aimed to unlock the full potential of networked digital scientific communication by strengthening open access as early as the late 1990s. Open science policies at the institutional level consequently followed and have been with us for over a decade. However, for several reasons, their adoption often is still far from complete when it comes to the practices of researchers or research groups. To improve this situation at our university, there is dedicated support at the infrastructural level: the university library collaborates with several campus units in developing and running services, activities and projects in support of open access and open science. This article outlines our main activity areas and aligns them with the overall rationale to reach higher uptake and acceptance of open science practice at the university. The mentioned examples of our activities highlight how we seek to advance open science along the needs and perspectives of diverse audiences and by running it as a multi-stakeholder endeavor. Therefore, our activities involve library colleagues with diverse backgrounds, faculty and early career researchers, research managers, as well as project and infrastructure staff. We conclude with a summary of achievements and challenges to be faced.

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"How Are We Measuring Up? Evaluating Research Data Services in Academic Libraries"

Heather L. Coates et al. have published "How Are We Measuring Up? Evaluating Research Data Services in Academic Libraries" in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication.

Here's an excerpt:

INTRODUCTION In the years since the emergence of federal funding agency data management and sharing requirements (, research data services (RDS) have expanded to dozens of academic libraries in the United States. As these services have matured, service providers have begun to assess them. Given a lack of practical guidance in the literature, we seek to begin the discussion with several case studies and an exploration of four approaches suitable to assessing these emerging services. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM This article examines five case studies that vary by staffing, drivers, and institutional context in order to begin a practice-oriented conversation about how to evaluate and assess research data services in academic libraries. The case studies highlight some commonly discussed challenges, including insufficient training and resources, competing demands for evaluation efforts, and the tension between evidence that can be easily gathered and that which addresses our most important questions. We explore reflective practice, formative evaluation, developmental evaluation, and evidence-based library and information practice for ideas to advance practice. NEXT STEPS Data specialists engaged in providing research data services need strategies and tools with which to make decisions about their services. These range from identifying stakeholder needs to refining existing services to determining when to extend and discontinue declining services. While the landscape of research data services is broad and diverse, there are common needs that we can address as a community. To that end, we have created a community-owned space to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and existing resources.

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"A Newbie at the RDAP Summit, or How I Learned that the RDAP Summit is for Everyone"

Joanna Thule has published "A Newbie at the RDAP Summit, or How I Learned that the RDAP Summit is for Everyone " in the Journal of Science Librarian ship.

Here's an excerpt:

After describing the format of the Summit, the highlights of attending are described, including gathering ideas related to all aspects of research data management, access, and preservation; hearing data management perspectives from outside of academic libraries; networking opportunities for the extrovert and introvert; and opportunities to connect with librarians at similar universities and with similar interests.

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