"Data We Trust—But—What Data?"

Jennifer Golbeck has published "Data We Trust—But—What Data?" in Reference & User Services Quarterly.

Here's an excerpt:

In the last year, we have not seen a massive removal of government data. We have seen targeted suppression and a general lack of concern for having government data sources reflect objective truth. Fortunately, many organizations are monitoring, archiving, and analyzing changes to official data.

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"Identifying Potential Solutions to Increase Discoverability and Reuse of Analog Datasets in Various Campus Locations"

Shannon L. Farrell and Julia Ann Kelly have published "Identifying Potential Solutions to Increase Discoverability and Reuse of Analog Datasets in Various Campus Locations" in Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

Describing, preserving, and providing access to data is now the purview of many science librarians, although the emphasis has been on data in electronic format. Data in paper or analog format might be found in many places around our campuses. At the University of Minnesota we conducted a preliminary investigation of analog data through discussions with faculty, staff, and the University Archives. We identified data in numerous locations, including the University Archives, personal collections, departmental holdings, museums, and off-campus research stations. We discovered data in many formats and carried out a few initial projects including creating a detailed inventory of one research center's analog data and digitizing and depositing one individual's dissertation data in our institutional repository. We also examined University Archives and discovered substantial amounts of analog data along with problems such as incomplete description or context. Overall we have identified several challenges and directions that we could take to make analog data more findable and available for reuse, but there is no clear single path forward.

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"The Data Engagement Opportunities Scaffold: Development and Implementation"

Abigail Goben and Megan R. Sapp Nelson have published "The Data Engagement Opportunities Scaffold: Development and Implementation" in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

While interest in research data management (RDM) services have grown, clarifying the path between traditional library responsibilities and RDM remains a challenge. While the literature has provided ideas about services and student-/researcher-focused data information literacy (DIL) competencies, nothing has yet brought these skill sets together to provide a pathway for librarians engaging in RDM. The Data Engagement Opportunities scaffold was developed to provide a strategic trajectory relating information science skills, the DIL competencies, the stages of the data life cycle, three levels of RDM engagement activities, and potential measurable outcomes. This scaffold provides direction for librarians looking to identify their current abilities and explore new opportunities.

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"Relaunch: Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders"

The European Data Portal has released "Relaunch: Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders."

Here's an excerpt:

How to build an Open Data strategy? How to implement an Open Data initiative? What is needed to put in place an Open Data lifecycle? How to ensure and monitor Open Data success? The European Data Portal has updated its Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders to answer all of these questions.

Go to the report.

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"The Open Data Charter’s Measurement Guide Is Now Open for Consultation!"

Danny Lãmmerhirt et al. have published "The Open Data Charter's Measurement Guide Is Now Open for Consultation!" in the Open Knowledge International Blog.

Here's an excerpt:

The Measurement and Accountability Working Group (MAWG) is launching the public consultation phase for the draft Open Data Charter Measurement* Guide! . . . .

The Guide explains how the Open Data Charter principles can be measured. It provides a comprehensive overview of existing open data measurement tools and their indicators, which assess the state of open government data at a national level. Many of the indicators analysed are relevant for local and regional governments, too.

See also: Open Data Charter Measurement Guide.

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"Defining the Role of Libraries in the Open Science Landscape: A Reflection on Current European Practice"

Paul Ayris and Tiberius Ignat have self-archived "Defining the Role of Libraries in the Open Science Landscape: A Reflection on Current European Practice."

Here's an excerpt:

This collaborative paper looks at how libraries can engage with and offer leadership in the Open Science movement. It is based on case studies and the results of an EU-funded research project on Research Data Management taken from European research-led universities and their libraries. It begins by analysing three recent trends in Science, and then links component parts of the research process to aspects of Open Science. The paper then looks in detail at four areas and identifies roles for libraries: Open Access and Open Access publishing, Research Data Management, E-Infrastructures (especially the European Open Science Cloud), and Citizen Science. The paper ends in suggesting a model for how libraries, by using a 4-step test, can assess their engagement with Open Science. This 4-step test is based on lessons drawn from the case studies.

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"The Modern Research Data Portal: A Design Pattern for Networked, Data-Intensive Science"

Kyle Chard et al. have published "The Modern Research Data Portal: A Design Pattern for Networked, Data-Intensive Science" in PeerJ.

Here's an excerpt:

In this article, we first define the problems that research data portals address, introduce the legacy approach, and examine its limitations. We then introduce the MRDP design pattern and describe its realization via the integration of two elements: Science DMZs (Dart et al., 2013) (high-performance network enclaves that connect large-scale data servers directly to high-speed networks) and cloud-based data management and authentication services such as those provided by Globus (Chard, Tuecke & Foster, 2014). We then outline a reference implementation of the MRDP design pattern, also provided in its entirety on the companion web site, https://docs.globus.org/mrdp, that the reader can study—and, if they so desire, deploy and adapt to build their own high-performance research data portal. We also review various deployments to show how the MRDP approach has been applied in practice: examples like the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Research Data Archive, which provides for high-speed data delivery to thousands of geoscientists; the Sanger Imputation Service, which provides for online analysis of user-provided genomic data; the Globus data publication service, which provides for interactive data publication and discovery; and the DMagic data sharing system for data distribution from light sources. We conclude with a discussion of related technologies and summary.

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"Data Sustainability and Reuse Pathways of Natural Resources and Environmental Scientists"

Yi Shen has self-archived "Data Sustainability and Reuse Pathways of Natural Resources and Environmental Scientists."

Here's an excerpt:

This paper presents a multifarious examination of natural resources and environmental scientists' adventures navigating the policy change towards open access and cultural shift in data management, sharing, and reuse. Situated in the institutional context of Virginia Tech, a focus group and multiple individual interviews were conducted exploring the domain scientists' all-around experiences, performances, and perspectives on their collection, adoption, integration, preservation, and management of data. . . . Based on these findings, this study provides suggestions on data modeling and knowledge representation strategies to support the long-term viability, stewardship, accessibility, and sustainability of scientific data.

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"Portage Releases Draft Institutional RDM Strategy Template"

The Portage Network has released "Portage Releases Draft Institutional RDM Strategy Template."

Here's an excerpt:

In response to the anticipated Tri-Agency research data management (RDM) policy, the Portage Institutional RDM Strategy Working Group has released a draft template and supporting guidance document that are designed to assist Canadian research institutions in developing an overarching strategy for RDM. These resources will exist as living documents, to be updated by the Working Group as needed.

See also: Template—Institutional Research Data Management Strategy and Institutional Research Data Management Strategy: Guidance Document.

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"From Passive to Active, From Generic to Focused: How Can an Institutional Data Archive Remain Relevant in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape?"

Maria Cruz et al. have self-archived "From Passive to Active, From Generic to Focused: How Can an Institutional Data Archive Remain Relevant in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape?."

Here's an excerpt:

Founded in 2008 as an initiative of the libraries of three of the four technical universities in the Netherlands, the 4TU.Centre for Research Data (4TU.Research Data) provides since 2010 a fully operational, cross-institutional, long-term archive that stores data from all subjects in applied sciences and engineering.

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"Digital Archives as Big Data"

Luis Martinez-Uribe has self-archived "Digital Archives as Big Data."

Here's an excerpt:

Digital archives contribute to Big data. Combining social network analysis, coincidence analysis, data reduction, and visual analytics leads to better characterize topics over time, publishers' main themes and best authors of all times, according to the British newspaper The Guardian and from the 3 million records of the British National Bibliography.

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"’Natural Allies’: Librarians, Archivists, and Big Data in International Digital Humanities Project Work"

Alex H. Poole and Deborah A. Garwood have self-archived "'Natural Allies': Librarians, Archivists, and Big Data in International Digital Humanities Project Work."

Here's an excerpt:

This paper first reviews the literature, concentrating on the relationships among digital humanities (DH), Library and Information and Science (LIS), and libraries and librarians. Second, it explains and justifies the study’s qualitative approach. Third, it reports the findings of the study and discusses their ramifications, focusing on librarians’ and archivists’ official and unofficial involvement in projects and on their specific roles and responsibilities.

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"Stewardship in the ‘Age of Algorithms’"

Clifford Lynch has published "Stewardship in the 'Age of Algorithms'" in First Monday.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper explores pragmatic approaches that might be employed to document the behavior of large, complex socio-technical systems (often today shorthanded as "algorithms") that centrally involve some mixture of personalization, opaque rules, and machine learning components. Thinking rooted in traditional archival methodology–focusing on the preservation of physical and digital objects, and perhaps the accompanying preservation of their environments to permit subsequent interpretation or performance of the objects–has been a total failure for many reasons, and we must address this problem. The approaches presented here are clearly imperfect, unproven, labor-intensive, and sensitive to the often hidden factors that the target systems use for decision-making (including personalization of results, where relevant); but they are a place to begin, and their limitations are at least outlined. Numerous research questions must be explored before we can fully understand the strengths and limitations of what is proposed here. But it represents a way forward.

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The Evolving Landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures

The Knowledge Exchange has released The Evolving Landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures.

Here's an excerpt:

This report, commissioned from Knowledge Exchange (KE), is an overview and synthesis of the evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDIs) in the six KE partner countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The fieldwork and study underlying the report were undertaken by InformAll CIC during the first half of 2017, on the basis of interviews with experts from a range of organisations that run federated infrastructures in the respective countries.

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"CLIR Receives Sloan Foundation Grants for Software and Data Curation Fellows, Energy Fellows"

CLIR has released "CLIR Receives Sloan Foundation Grants for Software and Data Curation Fellows, Energy Fellows."

Here's an excerpt:

A $521,200 grant from Sloan's Energy and Environment program—its first to CLIR—will create a cohort of CLIR/Digital Library Federation (DLF) Postdoctoral Fellows in Data Curation for Energy Economics, a new area of focus for the postdoctoral fellowship program. Energy fellows will have joint appointments between energy research centers and libraries at four major universities for two years starting in 2018.

A $925,361 grant from Sloan's Digital Information Technology program, which has funded research data curation fellowships since 2012, will help support eight new scholar-practitioners to take leading roles in the development of sustainable approaches to software and research data curation in the sciences and social sciences.

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"Building a Culture of Data Sharing: Policy Design and Implementation for Research Data Management in Development Research"

Cameron Neylon has published "Building a Culture of Data Sharing: Policy Design and Implementation for Research Data Management in Development Research" in Research Ideas and Outcomes.

Here's an excerpt:

The project had two core findings. First that the shift from an aim of changing behaviour, to changing culture, has both subtle and profound implications for policy design and implementation. A particular finding is that the single point of contact that many data management and sharing policies create where a Data Management Plan is required at grant submission but then not further utilised is at best neutral and likely counter productive in supporting change in researcher culture.

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The State of Open Data Report 2017

Figshare has released The State of Open Data Report 2017.

Here's an excerpt:

Its key finding is that open data has become more embedded in the research community—82% of survey respondents are aware of open data sets and more researchers are curating their data for sharing.

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Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation 2017: An NDSA Report

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance has released Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation 2017: An NDSA Report.

Here's an excerpt:

The 2017 Digital Preservation Staffing Survey provides a useful snapshot of the way digital preservation is accomplished in 2017 and how its practitioners feel about the effectiveness of their current organizational structures. It also builds on the 2012 survey and begins to establish data with which the digital preservation community can identify trends in staffing in the field.

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"The Evolution, Approval and Implementation of the U.S. Geological Survey Science Data Lifecycle Model"

John L. Faundeen and Vivian B. Hutchison have published "The Evolution, Approval and Implementation of the U.S. Geological Survey Science Data Lifecycle Model" in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper details how the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Community for Data Integration (CDI) Data Management Working Group developed a Science Data Lifecycle Model, and the role the Model plays in shaping agency-wide policies and data management applications. Starting with an extensive literature review of existing data lifecycle models, representatives from various backgrounds in USGS attended a two-day meeting where the basic elements for the Science Data Lifecycle Model were determined. Refinements and reviews spanned two years, leading to finalization of the model and documentation in a formal agency publication.

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"Pursuing Best Performance in Research Data Management by Using the Capability Maturity Model and Rubrics "

Jian Qinet al. have published "Pursuing Best Performance in Research Data Management by Using the Capability Maturity Model and Rubrics " in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

The RDM CMM [Capability Maturity Model] includes five chapters describing five key process areas for research data management: 1) data management in general; 2) data acquisition, processing, and quality assurance; 3) data description and representation; 4) data dissemination; and 5) repository services and preservation. In each chapter, key data management practices are organized into four groups according to the CMM's generic processes: commitment to perform, ability to perform, tasks performed, and process assessment (combining the original measurement and verification). For each area of practice, the document provides a rubric to help projects or organizations assess their level of maturity in RDM.

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Version 8 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography Released

Digital Scholarship has released Version 8 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 680 English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and other research institutions. Printed from the HTML page, it is over 130 pages long.

The Research Data Curation Bibliography covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, provenance, repositories, management, policies, support services, funding agency requirements, peer review, publication, citation, sharing, reuse, and preservation.

Most sources have been published from January 2009 through September 2017; however, a limited number of earlier key sources are also included. The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works. If such versions are unavailable, links to the publishers' descriptions are provided.

Abstracts are included in this bibliography if a work is under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY and national/international variations), a Creative Commons public domain dedication (CC0), or a Creative Commons Public Domain Mark and this is clearly indicated in the work.

The Research Data Curation Bibliography is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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"Scientific Data From and for the Citizen"

Sven Schade et al. have published "Scientific Data From and for the Citizen" in First Monday.

Here's an excerpt:

Powered by advances of technology, today's Citizen Science projects cover a wide range of thematic areas and are carried out from local to global levels. This wealth of activities creates an abundance of data, for example, in the forms of observations submitted by mobile phones; readings of low-cost sensors; or more general information about peoples’ activities. The management and possible sharing of this data has become a research topic in its own right. We conducted a survey in the summer of 2015 in order to collectively analyze the state of play in Citizen Science. This paper summarizes our main findings related to data access, standardization and data preservation. We provide examples of good practices in each of these areas and outline actions to address identified challenges.

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100% Online Professional Science Master’s Degree in Digital Curation at UNC Chapel Hill Announced

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has announced its new Professional Science Master's Degree in Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This innovative, 100% online program is now accepting applications for the initial cohort of students who will begin classes in January 2018. Deadline to apply for January admission is October 10, 2017.

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"50 Years of Social Science Data Services: A Case Study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison"

Chiu-chuang Lu Chou has published "50 Years of Social Science Data Services: A Case Study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison" in The International Journal of Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

The Data and Information Services Center (DISC), formerly known as the Data and Program Library Services (DPLS) has provided learning, teaching and research support to students, staff and faculty in social sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 50 years. What changes have our organization, collections, and services experienced? How has DISC evolved with the advancement of technology? What role does DISC play in the current and future landscape of social science data services on our campus and beyond? This paper gives answers to these questions and recommends a few simple steps in adding social science data services in academic libraries.

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"Searching Data: A Review of Observational Data Retrieval Practices"

Kathleen Gregory et al. have self-archived "Searching Data: A Review of Observational Data Retrieval Practices."

Here's an excerpt:

A cross-disciplinary examination of the user behaviours involved in seeking and evaluating data is surprisingly absent from the research data discussion. This review explores the data retrieval literature to identify commonalities in how users search for and evaluate observational research data. Two analytical frameworks rooted in information retrieval and science technology studies are used to identify key similarities in practices as a first step toward developing a model describing data retrieval.

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