"Requirements for Transformative Open Access Agreements: Accelerating the Transition to Immediate and Worldwide Open Access"

Jisc has released "Requirements for Transformative Open Access Agreements: Accelerating the Transition to Immediate and Worldwide Open Access."

Here's an excerpt:

These requirements are for 2019 and are for hybrid journal agreements. The requirements may be updated to support changes in research funder policies. Jisc Collections will evaluate agreements against these requirements and make the results of the evaluation publicly available online. This evaluation will also make clear if an agreement is compliant with a research funders' policies and their implementation of Plan S.

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"Plan S and Researchers’ Rights: (Re)Framing Academic Freedom"

Marc Couture and Richard Poynder have published "Plan S and Researchers’ Rights: (Re)Framing Academic Freedom " in Open and Shut?.

Here's an excerpt:

Given the apparent disenchantment with Plan S amongst at least some in the research community, and given that researchers find themselves increasingly subjected to ever more demanding OA policies like it (in which new duties, new restrictions and limitations, and new responsibilities are imposed on them), it is surely time to look again at what academic freedom does and does not mean, and what it should and should not mean in today’s context, and try to redefine and/or refine it for today’s historical situation; or at least to, as Marc Couture puts it in his guest post below, seek to "reframe" it?

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"Using Static Site Generators for Scholarly Publications and Open Educational Resources"

Chris Diaz has published "Using Static Site Generators for Scholarly Publications and Open Educational Resources" in the Code4Lib Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Static site generators build websites from plain-text files. Most are free to use and are available under an open source license [1]. They are often described in comparison to content management system (CMS) software, like WordPress or Drupal. CMS websites use database processes on a web server to dynamically create HTML on demand. Static site generators, however, perform all of the plain-text-to-HTML processing before the files are deployed online. This preprocessing workflow removes the need for high-touch system administration, database installations, server-side processing, and security patching, reducing the need for full-time developers and system administrators for digital publishing services. These advantages make static site hosting, maintenance, and preservation more affordable and sustainable for small teams.

Northwestern University Libraries began using static site generators for our digital publishing service in 2018. We initially licensed the Digital Commons platform from Bepress to support our open access publishing services, but the Elsevier acquisition made us question our reliance on proprietary software and motivated us to consider open source alternatives (Schonfeld 2018). At the same time, interest in open source software for library publishing was growing (Library Publishing Coalition 2018). This article reflects on our use of two open source static site generators for library publishing, including an overview and evaluation of the technologies while focusing on two popular use cases: scholarly publications and open educational resources.

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"New Advances in Open Source Infrastructure Support: Accelerated Book Digitization with Editoria"

Clare Dean has published "New Advances in Open Source Infrastructure Support: Accelerated Book Digitization with Editoria" in Insights.

Here's an excerpt:

How can open source infrastructure support a modernized, accelerated book production workflow? The California Digital Library, the University of California Press and the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation collaborated to design a new platform—Editoria—to do exactly this, following a new user-driven design method to result in a simple, people-centric interface. This case study details the main problem facing publishers who are restrained by outdated, print-oriented production platforms, the 'reimagining' exercise and the iterative design process that has resulted in new technology which can be adopted, adapted and integrated by publishers.

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"Enforcing Public Data Archiving Policies in Academic Publishing: A Study of Ecology Journals"

Dan Sholler et al. have self-archived "Enforcing Public Data Archiving Policies in Academic Publishing: A Study of Ecology Journals."

Here's an excerpt:

We conducted a qualitative, interview-based study with journal editorial staff and other stakeholders in the academic publishing process to examine how journals enforce data archiving policies. We specifically sought to establish who editors and other stakeholders perceive as responsible for ensuring data completeness and quality in the peer review process. Our analysis revealed little consensus with regard to how data archiving policies should be enforced and who should hold authors accountable for dataset submissions. Themes in interviewee responses included hopefulness that reviewers would take the initiative to review datasets and trust in authors to ensure the completeness and quality of their datasets. We highlight problematic aspects of these thematic responses and offer potential starting points for improvement of the public data archiving process.

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"BISG Releases Draft White Paper on Open Access Ebook Usage"

The Book Industry Study Group has released Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This funded project is designed to identify the challenges in understanding the usage of OA ebooks, suggest some opportunities for resolving them, and create a framework for future action through community consultation. It focuses on the challenges of identifying and aggregating relevant information from different platforms, analyzing what has been gathered in ways that respect user privacy, and communicating relevant information about usage to stakeholders.

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"The Rights Provisions of a Book Publishing Contract"

Melody Herr has published "The Rights Provisions of a Book Publishing Contract" in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication.

Here's an excerpt:

When signing a publishing contract, an author makes decisions which directly affect the book's availability. In order to decide judiciously which rights to retain and which to transfer to a publisher, she needs an understanding of U.S. copyright law and the author-publisher partnership. In this article, Melody Herr, PhD, a scholarly communications professional who has over 16 years of experience in academic publishing and who has authored six books herself, explains the rights provisions of a book contract. First, she discusses copyright ownership and describes the ways in which copyright's components apply to scholarly books. After enumerating the benefits and drawbacks of allocating specific rights to a publisher, she highlights contract wording to watch for and suggests the rights an author may wish to retain by negotiating an addendum. She then explains how an author may reclaim rights granted to a publisher through reversion or termination of transfer. In the conclusion, she recommends that outreach programs target scholars at critical moments when they face decisions regarding publication of their work.

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