Americans and Digital Knowledge

The Pew Research Center has released "Americans and Digital Knowledge."

Here's an excerpt:

A new Pew Research Center survey finds that Americans' understanding of technology-related issues varies greatly depending on the topic, term or concept. While a majority of U.S. adults can correctly answer questions about phishing scams or website cookies, other items are more challenging. For example, just 28% of adults can identify an example of two-factor authentication – one of the most important ways experts say people can protect their personal information on sensitive accounts. Additionally, about one-quarter of Americans (24%) know that private browsing only hides browser history from other users of that computer, while roughly half (49%) say they are unsure what private browsing does.

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Research Data Rights Management Guide

The Australian Data Research Commons has released the "Research Data Rights Management Guide."

Here's an excerpt:

When taken together, data management, copyright and licensing issues relating to data can be complicated. Data is complicated and can take many forms. It can be a seemingly random compilation of numbers, or it could be a complex dataset containing recorded interviews or creative works. Combined data is often unable to be separated into component parts, unlike chapters in a book, so, unlike a book, it is difficult to separate different copyright conditions that might apply to certain sections of a dataset. Apart from legal ownership, other factors such as policy and business requirements, and relationships and norms can impact on data licensing decisions. For example, grant funding agreements may require a certain licence to be applied to research data outputs, or, in some cases, expectations or norms in a particular field of study will impact on licensing decisions.

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"Open Access Monographs in the UK: A Data Analysis"

Universities UK has released Open Access Monographs in the UK: A Data Analysis.

Here's an excerpt:

In 2018, fullstopp GmbH was commissioned to carry out an analysis of open access books. Specifically, we were asked to capture the specific challenges and barriers (perceived and real) from a range of stakeholders including (but not limited to): learned societies and subject associations, Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Research), research librarians, publishers (commercial, new university presses and academic-led presses) and funding organisations. In response to these concerns, we were also asked to (where possible) address these challenges by conducting a quantitative analysis of data available from publishers, funding organisations and HEIs (including libraries).

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"SPARC Releases Connect OER Annual Report for 2018-2019"

SPARC has released "SPARC Releases Connect OER Annual Report for 2018-2019."

Here's an excerpt:

This year's report examines the current state of OER activities featuring data from 132 institutions in the U.S. and Canada. Our intent is that these insights will help inform SPARC members, open education advocates, and the library community about current trends, best practices, and the collective impact being achieved through OER at participating institutions. Click here to download the report.

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Briefing Paper on Open Access to Academic Books

Science Europe has released the Science Europe Briefing Paper on Open Access to Academic Books.

Here's an excerpt:

This briefing paper identifies the key issues at stake in implementing a policy of Open Access to academic books, and outlines a number of recommendations to facilitate and accelerate such a policy.

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"Independent Report and Transformative Agreement Toolkit Launched to Support Learned Society Publishers’ Transition to Immediate Open Access and Align with Plan S"

An Analysis of Open Science Policies in Europe V4

SPARC Europe and the DCC have released An Analysis of Open Science Policies in Europe V4.

Here's an excerpt:

This document presents an updated review of Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe as of July 2019. It does not include Open Access to publications policy. This analysis goes more into depth on the types of policy in place in Europe, their processes of creation, and some of their specifics.

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FAIRness of Repositories & Their Data: A Report from LIBER’s Research Data Management Working Group

LIBER has released FAIRness of Repositories & Their Data: A Report from LIBER's Research Data Management Working Group.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The report, which can be downloaded from Zenodo, summarises the answers given by managers, librarians and technical staff with regards to:

  1. The FAIRness of repositories and their data;
  2. Misconceptions related to the principles’ definition and implementation;
  3. The complexity of the implementation and the importance of the FAIR principles for the repository community.

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Share–Publish–Store–Preserve. Methodologies, Tools and Challenges for 3D Use in Social Sciences and Humanities

Anas Alaoui M'Darhri et al. have self-archived "Share–Publish–Store–Preserve. Methodologies, Tools and Challenges for 3D Use in Social Sciences and Humanities."

Here's an excerpt:

Through this White Paper, which gathers contributions from experts of 3D data as well as professionals concerned with the interoperability and sustainability of 3D research data, the PARTHENOS project aims at highlighting some of the current issues they have to face, with possible specific points according to the discipline, and potential practices and methodologies to deal with these issues. During the workshop, several tools to deal with these issues have been introduced and confronted with the participants experiences, this White Paper now intends to go further by also integrating participants feedbacks and suggestions of potential improvements. Therefore, even if the focus is put on specific tools, the main goal is to contribute to the development of standardized good practices related to the sharing, publication, storage and long-term preservation of 3D data.

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"The Majority of Authors Agree That All Future Scholarly Books Should Be OA": The Future of Open Access Books: Findings from a Global Survey of Academic Book Authors

Springer Nature has released The Future of Open Access Books: Findings from a Global Survey of Academic Book Authors .

Here's an excerpt:

A global Springer Nature survey of more than 2,500 academic book authors provides in-depth insights into attitudes towards open access.

The survey looks at researchers' motivations for publishing a book, and analyses the parameters and key drivers which influence academics to publish OA or not. The white paper also identifies the major obstacles to OA publication which book authors still face: from a lack of awareness of OA publishing options and low funding, to concerns about how OA books are perceived.

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UK Open Textbooks Report 2019

The UK Open Textbook Project has released the UK Open Textbooks Report 2019.

Here's an excerpt:

The UK Open Textbooks project was conducted in several stages over the period of March 2017 to May 2019. The project tested two highly successful approaches to increasing engagement with, and use of, open textbooks. . . .

In the report we conclude that the awareness of OER and open textbooks is typically very low in the UK HE sector. However, awareness of open access publications is high, supported by the Finch Report and REF policy on open access deposition. Although existing knowledge of open textbooks was low, once educators were made aware of them, they expressed significant interest in their adoption. This provides an existing conceptual model and set of practices on which to build.

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Forum Planning Committee’s Report to UC Council of University Librarians on Choosing Pathways to Open Access

The UC Office of the President has released Forum Planning Committee's Report to UC Council of University Librarians on Choosing Pathways to Open Access.

Here's an excerpt:

On October 16-17, 2018, University of California (UC) libraries hosted a working forum in Berkeley, California entitled "Choosing Pathways to Open Access" ("CP2OA") (see Sponsored by the University of California’s Council of University Librarians ("CoUL"), the forum was designed to enable North American library or consortium leaders and key academic stakeholders to engage in action-focused deliberations about redirecting subscription and other funds toward sustainable open access ("OA") publishing.

This report was prepared by members of the forum's Planning Committee as a way to update CoUL on forum outcomes, and to synthesize these outcomes into recommendations for further collective (UC multi-institutional) action to advance OA. The recommendations reflect the opinions of the report drafters; they are not an official statement by CoUL, nor should publication of this report signify CoUL's endorsement of our recommendations. We (the Planning Committee) instead hope that CoUL will consider the recommendations in due course, particularly as some of them reflect efforts already underway within various UC libraries.

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Transformative Publishing: Requirements for a New Publishing Standard: A Proposal from Springer Nature

Springer Nature has released Transformative Publishing: Requirements for a New Publishing Standard: A Proposal from Springer Nature.

Read background information about this proposal in "A Faster Path to an Open Future" and "Springer Nature Calls on Publishers to Adopt New OA Role."

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EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: 2019 Higher Education Edition

EDUCAUSE has released EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: 2019 Higher Education Edition .

Here's an excerpt:

This report profiles six key trends, six significant challenges, and six developments in educational technology for higher education. These three sections of this report constitute a reference and technology planning guide for educators, higher education leaders, administrators, policymakers, and technologists.

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European University Association: 2017-2018 EUA Open Access Survey Results

The European University Association has released 2017-2018 EUA Open Access Survey Results.

Here's an excerpt:

This report presents the outcomes of the fourth wave of the EUA Open Access Survey, which was conducted in 2017-2018. It gathered data from 321 institutions in 36 European countries. It focussed on Open Access to research publications, research data management and research data.

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Report on the Survey of Digital Data Management Practices at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Boris Radosavljevic et al. have self-archived Report on the Survey of Digital Data Management Practices at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

Here's an excerpt:

The GeoDataNode project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF) conducted a survey of data management practices at GFZ. The aim was to assess the state of current practices and needs, and their alignment to institutional and national guidelines for data management. The target audience included scientific and technical employees at all levels. A response rate of 24% of the target demographic was achieved. The survey revealed a general need for improvement and structuring of research data handling. This includes provision of adequate storage space, back-up schedules, and the familiarization of young researchers with good scientific practice.

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MIT: "Open Access Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations"

The MIT News Office has released "Open Access Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations."

Here's an excerpt:

The Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT's Research has released a set of draft recommendations that aim to support and increase the open sharing of MIT publications, data, software, and educational materials. . . .

The recommendations include ratifying an Institute-wide set of principles for open science; broadening the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy to cover all MIT authors; adopting an open access (OA) policy for monographs; and asking department heads to develop discipline-specific plans to encourage and support open sharing from their faculty, students, and staff.

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