"How to Hack it as a Working Parent"

Jaclyn Bedoya et al. have published "How to Hack it as a Working Parent" in Code4Lib Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

The problems faced by working parents in technical fields in libraries are not unique or particularly unusual. However, the cross-section of work-life balance and gender disparity problems found in academia and technology can be particularly troublesome, especially for mothers and single parents. Attracting and retaining diverse talent in work environments that are highly structured or with high expectations of unstated off-the-clock work may be impossible long term. . . .

We present some practical solutions for those in technical positions in libraries. Such solutions involve strategic use of technical tools, and lightweight project management applications. Technical workarounds are not the only answer; real and lasting change will involve a change in individual priorities and departmental culture such as sophisticated and ruthless time management, reviewing workloads, cross-training personnel, hiring contract replacements, and creative divisions of labor. Ultimately, a flexible environment that reflects the needs of parents will help create a better workplace culture for everyone, kids or no kids.

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Metadata Librarian, Librarian I at Michigan State University

Michigan State University is recruiting a Metadata Librarian, Librarian I.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Metadata Coordinator, this creative librarian will generate metadata for past and future digital projects covering a variety of media types. The librarian shall work collaboratively with staff across the Library, the University and beyond on services and projects that depend upon metadata for success. Utilizing standards and best practices the librarian will establish efficient workflows for data creation and maintenance, including descriptive, technical and administrative metadata. Emphasis will be placed on activities that facilitate user discovery, access and the long-term stewardship of Library collections.

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"Open Access Policy: Numbers, Analysis, Effectiveness"

A. Swan et al. have self-archived "Open Access Policy: Numbers, Analysis, Effectiveness".

Here's an excerpt:

The PASTEUR4OA project analyses what makes an Open Access (OA) policy effective. The total number of institutional or funder OA policies worldwide is now 663 (March 2015), over half of them mandatory. ROARMAP, the policy registry, has been rebuilt to record more policy detail and provide more extensive search functionality. Deposit rates were measured for articles in institutions' repositories and compared to the total number of WoS-indexed articles published from those institutions. Average deposit rate was over four times as high for institutions with a mandatory policy. Six positive correlations were found between deposit rates and (1) Must-Deposit; (2) Cannot-Waive-Deposit; (3) Deposit-Linked-to-Research-Evaluation; (4) Cannot-Waive-Rights-Retention; (5) Must-Make-Deposit-OA (after allowable embargo) and (6) Can-Waive-OA. For deposit latency, there is a positive correlation between earlier deposit and (7) Must-Deposit-Immediately as well as with (4) Cannot-Waive-Rights-Retention and with mandate age. There are not yet enough OA policies to test whether still further policy conditions would contribute to mandate effectiveness but the present findings already suggest that it would be useful for current and future OA policies to adopt the seven positive conditions so as to accelerate and maximise the growth of OA.

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Digital Library Programmer, Librarian I at Michigan State University

Michigan State University is recruiting a Digital Library Programmer, Librarian I.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Head of the Digital and Multimedia Center, we are looking for a creative Librarian who will plan, code, test, and implement technologies and systems that promote and advance the Library's mission of preservation, creation, transmission and application of knowledge. As part of a unified team, the incumbent shall work with and through the G.M. Kline Digital and Multi-media Center, Digital Curation, Collections, Systems and Public Service staffs to further develop or enhance application design and functionality for vendor supplied, open source or in-house applications, with an emphasis on collection stewardship and discovery.

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Understanding Rights Reversion: When, Why, & How to Regain Copyright and Make Your Book More Available

The Authors Alliance has released Understanding Rights Reversion: When, Why, & How to Regain Copyright and Make Your Book More Available.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This guide is the product of extensive outreach to the publishing industry. In the process, we interviewed authors, publishers, and literary agents, ranging from a CEO of a major publishing house to contracts and rights managers of trade and academic presses, editorial assistants, novelists, and academic authors.

We were happily surprised by the consistency of publishers' responses: across the board, publishers told us that they want to work together with their authors and that they are often willing to give authors their rights back if its in the books' best interests.

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Digital Curation News (4/10/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Data Services Librarian at Middlebury College

Middlebury College is recruiting a Data Services Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

A special focus for this position is data services. The person in this position provides expert assistance to faculty and students working with data, concentrating on the social sciences and humanities but stretching across the curriculum as needed. This includes advice regarding data analysis and interpretation, instruction in new tools and techniques, and support for visualization of data.

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Digital Humanities: "CSDH/SCHN Cyberinfrastructure Conversations Summary"

CSDH/SCHN has released the "CSDH/SCHN Cyberinfrastructure Conversations Summary."

Here's an excerpt:

This is a high-level summary of the outcome of a series of conversations regarding the CFI Cyberinfrastructure Initiative among Canadian Digital Humanists. The conversations emerged from CSDH/SCHN consultations that began in the Spring of 2014. The document tries to reflect the priorities and areas of emphasis that have emerged from these discussions, and suggests several areas of focus for broad-based collaborative cyberinfrastructure that would serve the needs of many in the digital humanities research community. The diversity of work in the digital humanities makes it impossible to mention every need, but in the view of the CSDH executive, this summary covers a number of pressing needs from a range of research groups across the country, and balances the need to serve existing researchers with that of expanding access to important datasets and cyberinfrastructure to leading humanities researchers who are experimenting with advanced research computing.

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Digital Projects and Archives Librarian at Middlebury College

Middlebury College is recruiting a Digital Projects and Archives Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Under the general direction of the Director of Special Collections and Archives and working in close collaboration with Library colleagues and technical groups across the College, the Digital Projects and Archives Librarian (DPAL) contributes to shaping the future of digital collections and services at the Middlebury College Library including electronic records management. The DPAL plays a key role in sustaining the Middlebury College Library's existing digital collections, facilitates the creation of new online digital content, and works collaboratively across the College on digital collections infrastructure.

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"Next Up for Agency Public Access Plans: NOAA"

SPARC has released "Next Up for Agency Public Access Plans: NOAA" by Heather Joseph.

Here's an excerpt:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released its plan to create policies ensuring public access to articles and data resulting from its funded research, as required by the February 2013 White House directive. . . .

The NOAA plan calls for all agency-funded intramural and extramural researchers to deposit final, accepted manuscripts into the agency's repository upon acceptance in a peer-reviewed journal. Unlike many of the other agencies that have released plans to date, NOAA will also require its investigators to submit technical reports, data reports, and technical memoranda into the repository as well—significantly increasing the scope of the materials covered by the agency's policy.

NOAA will use the OSTP-suggested 12-month embargo period as its baseline. Like other agencies, it will provide stakeholders with a mechanism for petitioning the agency to change the embargo period. The plan indicates that requests must include evidence that outweighs the public benefit of having the embargo remain at one year. . . .

Currently, funded researchers are required to make data "visible and accessible" within two years. The new plan calls for this time frame to be shortened to just one year. It also indicates that data underlying the conclusions of peer-reviewed articles will most likely be required to be made available at the time of the article's publication, in appropriate repositories (presumably to be designated by NOAA).

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Digital Curation News (4/9/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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"Dramatic Growth of Open Access 2015 First Quarter"

Heather Morrison has published "Dramatic Growth of Open Access 2015 First Quarter" in The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics.

Here's an excerpt:

OpenDOAR added 129 repositories for a total of 2,857. The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine added close to 3 million documents for a total of over 71 million documents. Another 7,690 authors joined the Social Sciences Research Network for a total of over 275,000 authors.

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Digital Archivist at University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Play an active role in the acquisition, appraisal, arrangement and description, and provision of access to born-digital and digitized collections. Collaborate with collections, IT, and digital curation staff to perform tasks related to processing incoming digital materials. Contribute to policies and workflows for long-term stewardship of UT Libraries digital assets. Participate in ongoing development, implementation, and assessment of systems to manage long-term stewardship and access for born-digital and digitized collections.

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Data Management Librarian at University of Florida

The University of Florida is recruiting a Data Management Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Data Management Librarian will serve as the primary liaison for and provide consulting support to identify, store, describe (curate), retrieve, and re-use data, particularly data not available in public or government repositories. The Data Management Librarian will be part of a team to build a full system (with training, outreach, liaison duties, policies, procedures, technologies, tools, workflows, etc.) of data curation to support faculty in fulfilling federal mandates and enhancing curation and accessibility of their research product and the even further integrated role of the Smathers Libraries with all research and teaching on campus.

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"NIST Releases Public Access Plan: Agency will Partner with NIH to use PMC Platform"

SPARC has released "NIST Releases Public Access Plan: Agency will Partner with NIH to use PMC Platform" by Heather Joseph.

Here's an excerpt:

NIST's plan calls for the agency to partner with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to use PubMed Central (PMC) as the repository for articles. The plan indicated that NIST selected this option in order to "leverage the well-established search, archival, and dissemination features of PMC."

All NIST-funded researchers will be required to deposit their final peer-reviewed manuscripts into PMC upon acceptance in a peer-reviewed journal and make them available to the public with no longer than a 12-month embargo period. NIST will also accept final published articles where allowed and will follow the NIH's current format requirements. As with the other agencies, NIST will provide stakeholders with a mechanism for petitioning the agency to "shorten or extend the allowable embargo period." NIST envisions that this process would take place through a public petition process run through the Federal Register. . . .

NIST's plan for providing public access to data consists of three components: requiring data management plans (DMPs), creating an Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI), and establishing a Common Access Platform providing a public access infrastructure.

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Digital Curation News (4/8/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdata

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Data and Visualization Librarian at Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College is recruiting a Data and Visualization Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Data and Visualization Librarian provides leadership and expertise in the development and management of data and visualization information resources and services, as pertains to the curricular needs of the institution. In collaboration with colleagues within the Dartmouth College Library, Research Computing, and other College centers, the Data and Visualization Librarian supports the development and manifestation of digital scholarship within the institution. As a member of Research & Instruction Services in Baker-Berry Library, the Data and Visualization Librarian provides liaison and collections support to one or more social science departments in the College. This position works collaboratively in the development and management of a Digital Scholarship Center.

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"5 Million Public Domain Ebooks in HathiTrust: What Does This Mean?"

Rick Anderson has published "5 Million Public Domain Ebooks in HathiTrust: What Does This Mean?" in The Scholarly Kitchen.

Here's an excerpt:

A week or so ago, a monumental thing happened: the number of public-domain books in the HathiTrust digital repository topped 5 million. And since no one (including HathiTrust, so far) seems to be making a very big deal about this, it seems like a good moment both to recap the achievements of HathiTrust and to consider a few of its implications for the future of reading and scholarship.

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Director for the Master of Archival Studies at Clayton State University

Clayton State University is recruiting a Director for the Master of Archival Studies.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The College of Information and Mathematical Sciences at Clayton State University invites applications for the position of Program Director for the Master of Archival Studies (MAS). Started in 2010, this program is an online professional master's program that focuses on the archival practices for born-digital records. This position is a full-time, tenure -track, 10-month faculty position with part-time summer management duties compensated via a summer stipend.

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"Library Systems Landscape 2015"

Matt Enis has published "Library Systems Landscape 2015" in Library Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

This second edition of Library Systems Landscape, the successor to LJ's annual Automation Marketplace feature, will examine the impact of recent mergers, the continued adoption of next-generation library services platforms, the emergence of mobile-optimized staff clients, and new partnerships and feature development in the open source arena.

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Head Librarian, Systems & Applications at Boston College

Boston College is recruiting a Head Librarian, Systems & Applications.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Head Librarian, Systems & Applications leads the Library Systems Department of eight, and provides overall direction for management of enterprise library systems, technologies and applications while building and supporting an infrastructure that facilitates the adoption of the next-generation of library services. This position coordinates and manages configuration, implementation and support of core enterprise library systems.

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"Digital Curation Education and Training: From Digitization to Graduate Curricula to MOOCs"

Helen R. Tibbo has published "Digital Curation Education and Training: From Digitization to Graduate Curricula to MOOCs" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper traces the development of digital and data curation curricula. Due to the brief length of this paper, the focus is on North American initiatives and primarily on continuing education programs. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of professional workshops and the creation of graduate-level courses, certificates, degrees and MOOCs, as well as the role of funding agencies in this process. It concludes with an analysis of what is missing and what is needed to create the workforce required to steward digital assets in the foreseeable future

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Digital Production Coordinator at Northeastern University

Northeastern University is recruiting a Digital Production Coordinator .

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Production Coordinator works closely with the Director of Scholarly Communication and Digital Publishing to support the growth and success of the library's new digital publishing program. S/he manages a variety of projects, working both with born-digital objects and with physical materials, to produce high-quality digital publications in multiple formats. S/he oversees digitization of physical materials using in-house equipment and student workers, and determines when digitization should be outsourced to external service providers.

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Beth McNeil Named Dean of the Iowa State University Library

Beth McNeil has been named Dean of the Iowa State University Library .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At Purdue, McNeil was responsible for managing 12 campus libraries, as well as the archives/special collections, technical services, digitization and the collections management units. She had oversight of nearly 90 faculty and staff and a $13.7 million annual collections budget.

McNeil previously served in leadership positions in the libraries at Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois; and University of Nebraska, Lincoln. . . .

McNeil earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in library and information science, both from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She completed a doctoral program in human sciences, with a focus on leadership studies, at Nebraska.

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