"The Humanities and the NEH"

In "The Humanities and the NEH," Scott Jaschik summarizes a podcast interview with James A. Leach, the National Endowment for the Humanities chairman.

Here's an excerpt:

Among other topics he discussed: . . . .

  • In discussions of digitization of scholarship and the push to require free online access to such work that receives federal support, Leach said he understands the importance of copyright, but that he leans "toward open access" and wants "maximum availability" of scholarship.

Harvard University Library Launched Web Archive Collection Service (WAX)

The Harvard University Library has launched its Web Archive Collection Service (WAX).

Here's an excerpt from the press release (posted on DIGLIB@infoserv.nlc-bnc.ca):

WAX began as a pilot project in July 2006, funded by the University's Library Digital Initiative (LDI) to address the management of web sites by collection managers for long-term archiving. It was the first LDI project specifically oriented toward preserving "born-digital" material. . . .

During the pilot, we explored the legal terrain and implemented several methods of mitigating risks. We investigated various technologies and developed work flow efficiencies for the collection managers and the technologists. We analyzed and implemented the metadata and deposit requirements for long term preservation in our repository. We continue to look at ways to ease the labor intensive nature of the QA process, to improve display as the software matures and to assess additional requirements for long term preservation. . . .

WAX was built using several open source tools developed by the Internet Archive and other International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) members. These IIPC tools include the Heritrix web crawler; the Wayback index and rendering tool; and the NutchWAX index and search tool. WAX also uses Quartz open source job scheduling software from OpenSymphony.

In February 2009, the pilot public interface was launched and announced to the University community. WAX has now transitioned to a production system supported by the University Library's central infrastructure.

The Future of Scholarly Journals Publishing Among Social Science and Humanities Associations

The National Humanities Alliance has released The Future of Scholarly Journals Publishing Among Social Science and Humanities Associations.

Here's an excerpt from the press release:

In December 2006, the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) charged a Task Force with developing projects to assist NHA members in exploring issues related to scholarly journal publishing in humanities and social science (HSS) associations.

The Task Force needed current business data on HSS journal publishing, and it approached several larger humanities and social science societies to participate in a pilot study that would produce comparable data on HSS journal publishing and financing. The study set out to enable society publishers to better understand their business models over time, to make relevant comparisons with models employed in other disciplines, and to assess potential changes in their models that would help them deliver journal content to the widest possible audience on an economically sustainable basis. The participating societies are: the American Academy of Religion, American Anthropological Association, American Economic Association, American Historical Association, American Political Science Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, and the Modern Language Association.

With generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through a grant to the American Anthropological Association, the eight scholarly societies engaged the professional guidance of Mary Waltham, an independent consultant with recognized expertise in the publishing field who had conducted a similar study of scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals for the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee. Waltham developed the data collection templates, and gathered detailed cost and revenue information on the flagship journals of the participating HSS societies for a three-year period, 2005- 2007.

Stuart Shieber on Subsidized Open Access Fees and Academic Freedom

In "More on Academic Freedom and OA Funds," Stuart Shieber discusses whether subsidizing open access fees conflicts with academic freedom.

Here's an excerpt:

Kent says "libraries can't control the disbursement of open access fees precisely because of academic freedom." The premise here is that any method an OA fund uses to control disbursement must if effective necessarily cause a change in behavior of authors, for instance encouraging them to publish in less expensive journals over more expensive ones ceteris paribus. This much is true. Furthermore, there is an implicit assumption that any such policy that causes behavioral changes in where authors publish is coercive and a violation of academic freedom. They are not "free" to publish in any location because some are financially more attractive to them than others.

But no. Academic freedom means that faculty can study what they want, and publish the results where they want. It doesn't mean that the university must cover all costs for doing so, nor does it mean the university cannot cover some costs and not others in ways that redound to what the university sees as the benefit of its constituencies.

English-Language Summary of A Future for Our Digital Memory: Permanent Access to Information in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Coalition for Digital Preservation has released an English-language summary of A Future for Our Digital Memory: Permanent Access to Information in the Netherlands.

Here's an excerpt:

In order to underpin its strategy, the NCDD decided to first build a detailed picture of the current situation in the public sector in the Netherlands. Can institutions or domains be identified which have successfully risen to the challenge of digital preservation and permanent access? Which categories of data are in danger of being lost? How can the risks be managed? This so-called National Digital Preservation Survey was funded by the Ministry of Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

After some preliminary consultancy work it was decided that the survey would best be carried out by researchers with both knowledge of the issues involved in digital preservation and of the three sectors, which were identified as: scholarly communications, government & archives, and culture & heritage. A team of three researchers was recruited from among NCDD member staff, with the NCDD coordinator leading the project. The initial objective, to conduct a statistically relevant quantitative survey, had to be abandoned early in the project. The field to be surveyed was vast and varied, and some of the target groups were quite unfamiliar with the specifics of digital preservation, making online surveys unproductive. Therefore, the research team decided on a methodology of (some seventy) semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable stakeholders, adding relevant information from both Dutch and foreign published sources. Five interviews were held with major private sector parties to establish whether the private sector has best practices to offer for the public sector to emulate.

Systems Analyst/Programmer at Indiana University

The Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities at Indiana University, Bloomington is recruiting a Systems Analyst/Programmer (funded for 15 months with the potential for renewal).

Here's an excerpt ad (job no. 701):

Participates in the development of multimedia research and digital library applications in support of the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities (IDAH) at IU Bloomington. Participates in the development of technical system design and implementation to application requirements. Implements technical system design as programmatic constructs, with concentration on user delivery systems and application development, including metadata; data storage; data manipulation; data integrity; indexing; search and retrieval; media synchronization, cataloging, access, and administrative interfaces; digital repositories; workflow systems; networking considerations for media delivery; synchronized multimedia display; use scenarios; usability design; interface mockups; usability testing; user documentation; technical documentation; and technical and user support for implementation. Participates in the development of software tools for the Sound Directions audio preservation project, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to the IU Archives of Traditional Music.

"The Open Access Availability of Library and Information Science Literature"

College & Research Libraries has released a preprint of "The Open Access Availability of Library and Information Science Literature" by Doug Way.

Here's an excerpt:

To examine the open access availability of Library and Information Science (LIS) research, a study was conducted using Google Scholar to search for articles from 20 top LIS journals. The study examined whether Google Scholar was able to find any links to full text, if open access versions of the articles were available and where these articles were being hosted. The results showed the archiving of articles is not a regular practice in the field, articles are not being deposited in institutional or subject repositories at a high rate and the overall the percentage of available open access articles in LIS was similar to the findings in previous studies. In addition, the study found that Google Scholar is an effective tool for finding known LIS articles.

Martin Halbert Named Dean of Libraries at the University of North Texas

Martin Halbert, Director for Digital Innovations at the Emory University Libraries, has been named Dean of Libraries at the University of North Texas Libraries. Halbert will also have a joint appointment as an associate professor in the UNT College of Information. UNT was recently named as one of the "Up-and-coming National Universities" by U.S. News & World Report in its "Best Colleges 2010" issue.

Halbert is widely known for his innovative work in the MetaScholar Initiative and, more recently, the MetaArchive Cooperative.

He has co-edited The Information Commons: A Field Guide, edited or co-edited several proceedings, and authored or coauthored a number of papers on digital library topics, including "Combined Searching of Web and OAI Digital Library Resources," "Digital Library Federation (DLF) Aquifer Project," "Findings from the Mellon Metadata Harvesting Initiative," "Integrating ETD Services into Campus Institutional Repository Infrastructures Using Fedora," "Lessons from the Information Commons Frontier," "An Initial Evaluation of Automated Organization for Digital Library Browsing," "The MetaArchive Cooperative: A Collaborative Approach to Distributed Digital Preservation," and "The Metascholar Initiative: AmericanSouth.Org and MetaArchive.Org."

He holds a Ph.D. from Emory University, where his dissertation was on "New Models for Research Libraries in the Digital Age" (excerpt). He also holds an M.L.I.S. from the University of Texas and a B.A. from Rice University.

Here's an excerpt from the press release:

Halbert replaces Dr. B. Donald Grose, who retired from the dean position in July after serving 21 years with the UNT Libraries. Dr. Judith Forney, dean of UNT's School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, will continue as interim dean of the libraries until Halbert arrives at UNT.

In his position with Emory University Libraries, Halbert has served as the principal investigator for digital library services and research projects totaling $6.1 million, including the Transatlantic Slave Trade Voyages and Origins projects, which offer comprehensive access to primary data from four centuries of the transatlantic slave trade. Halbert is also president of MetaArchive Cooperative, an international consortium of research libraries and institutes that preserve digital archives in partnership with the Library of Congress, as part of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program.

"Dr. Halbert's strengths lie in digital library services, innovative ideas, strategic planning and management of multiple libraries on one university campus," said Dr. Wendy K. Wilkins, UNT provost and vice president for academic affairs. "We are delighted that he also has a national reputation among funding agencies and leading digital and technological library organizations, and we look forward to welcoming him to UNT."

Halbert, a native of Houston, said the UNT Libraries' national reputation as a leader in digital projects and services attracted him to the university.

"Libraries are changing with the times, and UNT is at the forefront of that. I am looking forward to being part of the growth of the UNT Libraries, and I'm delighted to be part of the UNT community," he said. "I'm also happy to be returning to Texas, where I grew up."

At Emory, Halbert is an adjunct professor in the Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts, where he developed a doctoral certificate in digital scholarship and new media, an interdisciplinary credential that provides graduate students with expertise in new forms of research and publication using digital media.

He is also the principal investigator of the Librarians for the Digital Age Master of Library Science program for north Georgia, a partnership with UNT's College of Information and the Atlanta University Center, a consortium of four historically African-American colleges in the city.

In Librarians for the Digital Age, 60 students from north Georgia are earning master of library science degrees, with courses taught by UNT faculty members in four-day institutes and online. The students began the program in the fall of 2008 and are scheduled to graduate in September 2010.

"The students are excited about being part of a premiere program like the UNT College of Information," Halbert said. "The program is intended to provide a robust next generation of librarians from diverse backgrounds who will be well prepared for the evolving roles of information professionals in the digital age. It has exceeded all of our expectations and goals."

Before being named to his current position with Emory University Libraries in February 2007, Halbert was the libraries' director for digital programs and systems for 11 years. He was also head of networked systems for libraries and head of the Computing Resources Library at Rice University, taking a semester off from Rice in 1994 to work for the U.S. Information Agency in Tartu, Estonia as an American Library Association fellow, advising the national university library in automation planning.

Since 2001, Halbert has successfully applied for many grants for collaborative projects, receiving funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Historic Publications and Records Commission and National Science Foundation.

He has served the National Science Digital Library, the U.S. leading online library for education and research in science, technology and mathematics, as chair and vice chair of the policy committee, co-chair of the technology standing committee and a member of the planning committee. He was chair of both the Emerging Technologies Interest Group and the Digital Library Technologies Interest Group for the Library and Information Technology Association, a division of the American Library Association, and has served as a grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation and Institute of Museum and Library Services.

"Shrinking the Commons: Termination of Copyright Licenses and Transfers for the Benefit of the Public"

Timothy K. Armstrong has self-archived "Shrinking the Commons: Termination of Copyright Licenses and Transfers for the Benefit of the Public" in SSRN.

Here's an excerpt:

Federal law limits the free alienability of copyright rights to prevent powerful transferees from forcing authors into unremunerative bargains. The limiting mechanism is a statutory provision that permits authors or their heirs, at their sole election, to terminate any transfer or license of any copyright interest during a defined period. Indeed, the applicable provisions of the Copyright Act go so far as to invalidate purported waivers by authors of their statutory termination powers.

These statutory provisions may constitute an impediment to the effective grant of rights for the benefit of the public under widely used "open content" licensing arrangements, such as the GNU General Public License ("GPL") for software or the Creative Commons family of licenses for other sorts of expressive works. Although recent case law suggests that such open-source or open-content licensing arrangements should be analyzed under the same rules that govern other copyright licenses, doing so necessarily raises the possibility of termination of the license. If GPL or Creative Commons-type licenses are subject to later termination by authors (or their heirs), and this termination power cannot validly be waived, then users of such works must confront the possibility that the licenses may be revoked in the future and the works effectively withdrawn from public use, with potentially chaotic results.

Although a number of judge-made doctrines may be invoked to restrict termination of a license granted for the benefit of the public, the better course would be for Congress to enact new legislation expressly authorizing authors to make a nonwaiveable, irrevocable dedication of their works, in whole or in part, to the use and benefit of the public—a possibility that the Patent Act expressly recognizes, but the Copyright Act presently does not.

Visiting Research Programmer at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The University of Illinois Library's Grainger Engineering Library is recruiting a Visiting Research Programmer (1 year initial appointment; funded for a maximum of 3 years).

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Research Programmer will be appointed to support current digital library research projects, including grant-funded projects. Appointee will work on at least two different projects, reporting to project PIs or co-PIs. May also provide programming support towards design & development of internally funded new or experimental digital library services. . . .

Research and grant funded position(s) will provide an opportunity to participate in design, development, and testing of innovative, cutting-edge digital library systems. Incumbent will collaborate with experienced Research Programmers in Grainger and the Library's Office of Library Information Technology Planning and Policy. Grainger has been home for a series of externally funded digital library research projects continuously since it opened in 1994 and staff at Grainger has established an international reputation in the digital library research community. Technologies involved are complimentary and overlapping with those used in production library services. Grainger hosts its own developmental Linux and Windows servers, virtual server cluster, and SAN. Research projects are implemented using a wide range of programming languages and technologies, including: Microsoft ASP & ASP.Net, Ruby on Rails, Java, C++, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript/AJAX, SQL, XHTML, CSS, XML, XSL-T, XSL-FO, OAI-PMH, and OAI-ORE. Responsibilities of the position will vary over time but will include: development and/or customization of Web, Windows, and Linux applications and tools; installation, maintenance, and administration of Web services and potentially other networked applications; database design, administration, and programming; writing documentation and discussion of technical results for inclusion in conference papers and reports to project sponsors; providing technical assistance to and consultation with Library & GSLIS faculty and staff collaborating in research.

"Digital Library Europeana Said to Be Europe’s Answer to Google Books Settlement"

In "Digital Library Europeana Said To Be Europe’s Answer to Google Books Settlement," Dugie Standeford examines Google Book Search in the European context and considers whether Europeana can compete with it.

Here's an excerpt:

Europeana has the potential to be the "Google-like service Europe needs" but as part of a broader vision, said Europeana Marketing and Communications Manager Jonathan Purday. The EC has enabled Europeana to become operational and laid the foundations for an integrated platform providing access from museums, archives, libraries and audiovisual collections. But the digital library's future "depends on countries scaling up their digitisation efforts" and unifying their fragmented legal framework, he said.

"Is Creative Commons Good for Copyright?"

Copycense has published an editorial asking "Is Creative Commons Good for Copyright?"

Here's an excerpt:

We conclude now, as we did in 2007, that the continued use and prominence of Creative Commons licenses actually obscures the real copyright issues we face in this country, and keeps Americans from settling on the proper parameters of digital information use, access, retrieval and preservation in the 21st century.

"Google and the Proper Antitrust Scrutiny of Orphan Books"

Jerry A. Hausman and J. Gregory Sidak have self-archived "Google and the Proper Antitrust Scrutiny of Orphan Books" in SSRN.

Here's an excerpt:

We examine the consumer-welfare implications of Google's project to scan a large proportion of the world's books into digital form and to make these works accessible to consumers through Google Book Search (GBS). In response to a class action alleging copyright infringement, Google has agreed to a settlement with the plaintiffs, which include the Authors Guild and the Association of American Publishers. A federal district court must approve the settlement for it to take effect. Various individuals and organizations have advocated modification or rejection of the settlement, based in part on concerns regarding Google's claimed ability to exercise market power. The Antitrust Division has confirmed that it is investigating the settlement. We address concerns of Professor Randal Picker and others, especially concerns over the increased access to 'orphan books,' which are books that retain their copyright but for which the copyright holders are unknown or cannot be found. The increased accessibility of orphan books under GBS involves the creation of a new product, which entails large gains in consumer welfare. We consider it unlikely that Google could exercise market power over orphan books. We consider it remote that the static efficiency losses claimed by critics of the settlement could outweigh the consumer welfare gains from the creation of a valuable new service for expanding access to orphan books. We therefore conclude that neither antitrust intervention nor price regulation of access to orphan books under GBS would be justified on economic grounds.

DSpace@Cambridge Support and Liaison Officer

The Electronic Services and Systems Division of the Cambridge University Library is recruiting a DSpace@Cambridge Support and Liaison Officer (position ends in October 2012).

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Applications are invited for the post of DSpace@Cambridge Support and Liaison Officer (part-time) to provide technical support and guidance to all users of the DSpace@Cambridge institutional repository—including academic and research staff at all levels, librarians, museum curators, archivists, and administrative staff depositing digital files—and to liaise between users and the system manager. The post is available on a three days per week basis, with the postholder working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week.

Working within a team of five, including a system manager, developer, repository manager and a further part-time Support and Liaison Officer, the postholder will be responsible on a day-to-day basis for ensuring that users are able to deposit files in DSpace and for providing continuing support by e-mail and telephone. He or she will promote the service, provide advice to users on intellectual property rights and organise and give training in using the system. The post-holder will oversee metadata standards within DSpace and ensure standards compliance.

European Commission Report: Europeana—Next StepsEuropean Commission Report: Europeana—Next Steps

The European Commission has published Europeana—Next Steps.

Here's an excerpt:

Europeana—Europe's online library, museum and archive—opened in November 2008 as part of the Commission's digital libraries initiative, aiming to make Europe's cultural and scientific heritage accessible to all on the internet. The European Parliament and the Council have highlighted the importance of Europeana both as a showcase of the cultural heritage of the Member States on the internet and to provide access for everyone to that heritage. At the same time they have underlined the economic potential of making our cultural treasures available online as a source for creativity and new products and services in areas such as tourism and learning.

This document looks ahead to the next phase of development of Europeana and its orientation for the future. It sets out the main challenges for the coming years in relation to 1) enriching Europeana’s content with both public domain and in copyright material of the highest quality and relevance to users, and 2) a sustainable financing and governance model. The objective is to ensure that Europeana and the underlying policies for digitisation, online accessibility and digital preservation give European culture a lasting visibility on the internet and turn our common and diverse heritage into an integral part of Europe's information infrastructure for the future.

In order to gather input on the best way to achieve this objective, the Commission is launching a consultation on the basis of a series of questions that can be found in the staff working paper accompanying this Communication. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments on any or all of the questions by 15 November 2009.

See also "Questions for the Public Consultation 'Europeana—Next Steps'."

Read more about it at "EU Divided over Google Books"; "EU Urges Google, Libraries to Cooperate to Put Books On-line"; "Europe's Digital Library Doubles in Size but also Shows EU's Lack of Common Web Copyright Solution"; and "Europe's Digital Library: Frequently Asked Questions."

Senior Systems Administrator, Digital Asset Management Infrastructure at Yale

The Yale Office of Digital Assets and Infrastructure is recruiting a Senior Systems Administrator, Digital Asset Management Infrastructure.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Yale’s Office of Digital Assets and Infrastructure (ODAI) is charged with developing a digital information management strategy for Yale and building digital collections and technical infrastructure in a coordinated and collaborative manner across the entire campus. Programs include the development and deployment of large-scale digital asset management systems, long-term preservation repositories for Yale digital content in all formats, cross-collection search capabilities to enable discovery of collections hosted by numerous departments, and many other innovative initiatives.

Reporting to the Digital Information Architect, the Systems Administrator, Digital Asset Management (DAM) Infrastructure will manage the reliable operation of hardware and software systems comprising the ODAI infrastructure and related support services. This includes but is not limited to digital asset management systems, digital library systems, knowledge management systems, media processing systems and storage systems.

The Google Books Settlement and the Future of Information Access Conference

The University of California School of Information's Google Books Settlement and the Future of Information Access Conference was held on August 28, 2009. Below is a selection of articles and posts about the conference.

Open Book Alliance Outlines Arguments against Google Book Search Settlement

In "Opening the Book," Peter Brantley and Gary Reback outline the Open Book Alliance's objections to the Google Book Search Settlement.

Here's an excerpt:

The settlement is bad for libraries and schools: While a handful of large and well-funded university libraries participated in the Google book-scanning effort, many other educational institutions and libraries will be forced to pay monopoly prices for access to a wide swath of knowledge, straining already-stretched budgets and creating a system of haves and have-nots in our nation's education system. Community libraries would get at a single terminal to Google's private book database, and libraries serving our nation's children in K-12 schools would get absolutely nothing. The settlement widens the digital divide by limiting access to digital books in financially hard-hit communities that have budget-constrained libraries.

JISC Releases Web2practice Web 2.0 Guides

JISC has released a series of Web2practice Web 2.0 guides.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

How-to guides on web 2.0 technologies are now available from JISC Netskills for lecturers and researchers which complement five short animations about getting started.

Anyone interested in social media, RSS, collaborative writing, podcasting and microblogging can download the Web2practice guides in both video and PDF format from the website. . . .

Video creator Steve Boneham, JISC Netskills consultant trainer, said: “While we’ve aimed the tools at the UK higher and further education audiences, the internet and Twitter knows no national boundaries—we’re really pleased that people from so far afield are taking such an interest.”

He continued: "I'm particularly pleased that people have started embedding the materials as well as this is just what we wanted to encourage people to do—the materials are completely free for people to use, copy, adapt, comment on and above all, share."

University of Tampere Adopts Open Access Policy

The University of Tampere has adopted an open access policy.

Here's an excerpt:

According to the proposal of the work group the Rector would

  • request researchers working at the University as of 1 January 2011 to deposit copies of their research articles accepted for publication in scientific journals in the institutional repository provided by the University of Tampere and
  • encourage researchers to deposit copies of their publications in the University's repository before the decision comes into force.

Research articles refers in this Decision to single articles to be published in scientific refereed journals, in the University's own publication series, in conference publications or other compilations. The final publisher's version of the article should be deposited in the repository or then the author's last version of the article revised in response to referees' comments (according to the publisher's policy).

The University of Tampere hereby undertakes to provide researchers with the support services required for parallel depositing. The University of Tampere will endeavour to improve publication information systems and to design the process of depositing in a researcher-centred manner.

In addition to the research articles referred to in the Decision, other kinds of publications which may be stored in the open depository provided by the University of Tampere include popular articles, other published written texts, serial publications of University departments, teaching material and, if the publication agreements allow, also monographs.

University of Texas Big Deal Contracts Released to Researchers

The Texas Attorney General has ruled that the University of Texas’ contracts with Elsevier and Springer must be released to Paul Courant, Ted Bergstrom, and Preston McAfee (these researchers run the Big Deal Contract Project).

Here's the ruling (also see the PDF version):

Texas Attorney General Ruling

Read more about it at "Texas Attorney General Orders ‘Big Deal’ Bundle Contracts Released."

Over One Million Public Domain E-Books from Google Now Available in EPUB Format

Over one million public domain e-books from Google are now also available in the standard EPUB format.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

I'm excited to announce that starting today, Google Books will offer free downloads of these and more than one million more public domain books in an additional format, EPUB. By adding support for EPUB downloads, we're hoping to make these books more accessible by helping people around the world to find and read them in more places. More people are turning to new reading devices to access digital books, and many such phones, netbooks, and e-ink readers have smaller screens that don't readily render image-based PDF versions of the books we've scanned. EPUB is a lightweight text-based digital book format that allows the text to automatically conform (or "reflow") to these smaller screens. And because EPUB is a free, open standard supported by a growing ecosystem of digital reading devices, works you download from Google Books as EPUBs won't be tied to or locked into a particular device. We'll also continue to make available these books in the popular PDF format so you can see images of the pages just as they appear in the printed book.

An Evaluation of Private Foundation Copyright Licensing Policies, Practices and Opportunities

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society has released An Evaluation of Private Foundation Copyright Licensing Policies

Here's an excerpt:

This project, a joint effort of the Berkman Center, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Ford Foundation and the Open Society Institute, with funding from Hewlett and Ford, undertook to examine the copyright licensing policies and practices of a group of twelve private foundations. In particular, it looked at the extent to which charitable foundations are aware of and have begun to use open licenses such as Creative Commons or the GPL. We surveyed foundation staff and leaders and examined a number of examples where foundations have begun to take advantage of new licensing models for materials and resources produced by their own staff, their consultants and their grantees. The complete results of our study and our comprehensive analysis and recommendations are contained in the full Report of this project.

Repository Staff and Skills Set Revised

SHERPA has released a revised Repository Staff and Skills Set.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The original document was developed in response to requests the SHERPA core team received for examples of repository job descriptions. The content of the 2009 version is largely unchanged with the main additions being advice on how the document can be used in planning hosted repositories and in the addition of a link to the JISC Recruitment Toolkit released earlier this year.

The original Staff and Skill Set document was not designed to describe the skills set required of a particular repository post but rather is a list of the entire set of skills, knowledge and abilities required for the development and management of a successful institutional repository. Due to requests from the community we provide here a generic job description of a technical repository post. This description was development from actual job advertisements and using advice and templates from the JISC Recruitment Toolkit.

The concise nature of the document continues to be popular and feedback from the community shows that it has been used to develop job descriptions, plan repository development and staffing, seek funding from institutions, renegotiate salaries/job profiles and regrading and in identifying skill gaps and areas for staff training.

Although primarily aimed at the UK repository community, it has also proved useful to the repository community and projects in Australia, Spain and Ireland.