Category: Digital Humanities
"’Here Be Dragons’: Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities"
"What Future for Digital Scholarly Editions? From Haute Couture to Prêt-à-Porter"
Elena Pierazzo has published "What Future for Digital Scholarly Editions? From Haute Couture to Prêt-à-Porter" in the International Journal of Digital Humanities.
Here's an excerpt:
Digital scholarly editions are expensive to make and to maintain. As such, they prove unattainable for less established scholars like early careers and PhD students, or indeed anyone without access to significant funding. One solution could be to create tools and platforms able to provide a publishing framework for digital scholarly editions that requires neither a high-tech skillset nor big investment.
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"Digital Dissertations and the Changing Nature of Doctoral Work"
"MIT Program in Digital Humanities Launches with $1.3 Million Mellon Foundation Grant"
Paywall Article: "Library and Information Science and the Digital Humanities: Perceived and Real Strengths and Weaknesses"
Paywall Article: "Humanities Scholars and Library-Based Digital Publishing: New Forms of Publication, New Audiences, New Publishing Roles"
NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants (Up to $750,000)
The National Endowment for the Humanities has released "Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants."
Here's an excerpt:
Through these awards organizations can increase their humanities capacity through capital expenditures to support the design, purchase, construction, restoration, or renovation of facilities for humanities activities and the purchase of equipment and software. . . .
Challenge grants may also support long-term humanities projects with funds invested in a restricted, short-term endowment or other investment fund (or spend-down fund) that generate expendable earnings to support and enhance ongoing humanities activities. Eligible activities include the preservation and conservation of humanities materials, and the sustaining of digital infrastructure for the humanities.
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"NEH Announces $14.8 Million for 253 Humanities Projects Nationwide "
$750,000 Grant: "Dumbarton Oaks and JSTOR to Launch Plant Humanities Initiative"
JSTOR has released "Dumbarton Oaks and JSTOR to Launch Plant Humanities Initiative."
Here's an excerpt:
Dumbarton Oaks, a research institute of Harvard University, and JSTOR, the digital library for research and teaching that is part of the non-profit ITHAKA, are launching, with the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Plant Humanities Initiative: a digital tool with related research and scholarly programming to advance the field of Plant Humanities. To this end, the Foundation has awarded JSTOR a grant of $750,000 for developing a digital tool, with a parallel grant of $700,000 to Dumbarton Oaks for the research and programming over three years.
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"A Mini Survey of Digital Humanities in European Research Libraries"
Lotte Wilms has published "A Mini Survey of Digital Humanities in European Research Libraries" in the LIBER Blog.
Here's an excerpt:
Of the 22 libraries who responded, eight have been running a DH activity for under a year. Half have been active between 1-5 years and only three libraries have had a DH activity for more than five year. Most (13 libraries) have a team of 2-5 people working on DH, with teams of 6-10 people (six libraries) following closely. A majority of the libraries (16) conduct the activity as part of a policy, while six libraries do it as an ad-hoc activity. Looking at budget, over half have dedicated funding for the activity. Nine libraries are doing this without any dedicated budget.
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"NEH Announces $43.1 Million for 218 Humanities Projects Nationwide "
"The Academic Book and Its Digital Dilemmas"
Paul Spence, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities at King's College London, has published "The Academic Book and Its Digital Dilemmas" in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
Here's an excerpt:
Focusing in particular on the arts and humanities, this article asks how, and under what conditions, the digitally mediated long-form academic publication might hold a viable future. It examines digital disruption and innovation within humanities publishing, contrasts different models and outlines some of the key challenges facing scholarly publishing in the humanities. This article examines how non-traditional entities, such as digital humanities research projects, have performed digital publishing roles and reviews possible implications for scholarly book publishing's relationship to the wider research process. It concludes by looking at how digital or hybrid long-form publications might become more firmly established within the scholarly publishing landscape.
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"Curating Humanities Research Data: Managing Workflows for Adjusting a Repository Framework "
Hagen Peukert has published "Curating Humanities Research Data: Managing Workflows for Adjusting a Repository Framework" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.
Here's an excerpt:
Handling heterogeneous data, subject to minimal costs, can be perceived as a classic management problem. The approach at hand applies established managerial theorizing to the field of data curation. It is argued, however, that data curation cannot merely be treated as a standard case of applying management theory in a traditional sense. Rather, the practice of curating humanities research data, the specifications and adjustments of the model suggested here reveal an intertwined process, in which knowledge of both strategic management and solid information technology have to be considered. Thus, suggestions on the strategic positioning of research data, which can be used as an analytical tool to understand the proposed workflow mechanisms, and the definition of workflow modules, which can be flexibly used in designing new standard workflows to configure research data repositories, are put forward.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 9 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
HathiTrust Research Center User Requirements Study White Paper
Eleanor Dickson et al. have self-archived "HathiTrust Research Center User Requirements Study White Paper ."
Here's an excerpt:
This paper presents findings from an investigation into trends and practices in humanities and social sciences research that incorporates text data mining. As affiliates of the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC), the purpose of our study was to illuminate researcher needs and expectations for text data, tools, and training for text mining in order to better understand our current and potential user community. Results of our study have and will continue to inform development of HTRC tools and services for computational text analysis.
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"Moving Ahead with Support for Digital Humanities"
Quinn Dombrowski And Joan K. Lippincott have published "Moving Ahead with Support for Digital Humanities" in EDUCAUSE Review.
Here's an excerpt:
IT and library professionals need to engage as key partners to achieve coordinated, visible, and sustained support for digital humanities at an institutional level.
"’Natural Allies’: Librarians, Archivists, and Big Data in International Digital Humanities Project Work"
Alex H. Poole and Deborah A. Garwood have self-archived "'Natural Allies': Librarians, Archivists, and Big Data in International Digital Humanities Project Work."
Here's an excerpt:
This paper first reviews the literature, concentrating on the relationships among digital humanities (DH), Library and Information and Science (LIS), and libraries and librarians. Second, it explains and justifies the study’s qualitative approach. Third, it reports the findings of the study and discusses their ramifications, focusing on librarians’ and archivists’ official and unofficial involvement in projects and on their specific roles and responsibilities.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 8 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
IMLS 2018 Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
IMLS has released the initial 2018 Digital Humanities Advancement Grants guidelines.
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
Digital Humanities Advancement Grants (DHAG) support digital projects throughout their lifecycles, from early start-up phases through implementation and long-term sustainability. Experimentation, reuse, and extensibility are hallmarks of this grant category, leading to innovative work that can scale to enhance research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.
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"Grant Narrative—Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE: An Exploration of Requirements"
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale et al. have self-archived "Grant Narrative—Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE: An Exploration of Requirements."
Here's an excerpt:
This project will develop a plan to optimize the SHARE aggregator and data set for digital humanities in consultation with scholars, institutions, and centers. Given the dispersed nature of modern scholarship, a digital humanities project may produce more than one book or article manuscript, each published on a different publisher’s website, any number of pre-prints on institutional repositories or pre-print servers, data sets and code books on Dryad or Figshare, and text mining or cleaning scripts on github. With many digital humanities projects based in academic departments, such project components may be housed semi-permanently in web-publishing platforms like Omeka without formal integration with library discovery systems or other services to link them to similar projects. As part of a growing open infrastructure movement, the SHARE platform links scholarly activity across the research lifecycle and makes it available as enhanced, free, open metadata. The project team will administer a survey, conduct focus groups, and engage with the humanities community to detail requirements and prototype applications for digital scholarship curation, discovery, and aggregation using SHARE.
See the project's OSF site for additional current and future information.
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The Role of Research Libraries in the Creation, Archiving, Curation, and Preservation of Tools for the Digital Humanities
RLUK has released The Role of Research Libraries in the Creation, Archiving, Curation, and Preservation of Tools for the Digital Humanities.
Here's an excerpt:
The purpose of this report is to present and discuss the results of the 'Research Libraries and Digital Humanities Tools' project undertaken by RLUK. The project aimed to explore the role that libraries currently have or can potentially have in the creation, archiving, curation, and preservation of tools for Digital Humanities research; it is part of RLUK's goal to understand the role that research libraries play in digital scholarship, identify specific areas where they can add value as well as facilitate the sharing of existing best practice.
Therefore, a survey was conducted where professionals, mostly from research libraries within the RLUK membership, took part and reported on the variety of Digital Humanities projects they support and the different ways in which they engage with scholarly work in the area. Additional discussions with some of these participants not only shed further light into the collaborative activities formed in the context of various initiatives, such as the production and preservation of tools, but also into the different models of involvement in Digital Humanities scholarship.
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"Open Access Publishing Models and How OA Can Work in the Humanities"
Martin Paul Eve has published "Open Access Publishing Models and How OA Can Work in the Humanities" in the Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Here's an excerpt:
Open access (OA) has been shaping and benefiting the scientific community for years now, but this new wave of disseminating research freely has not quite taken hold in the field of humanities. Though humanities publishers could also benefit from an OA model, many have been resistant, citing possible issues with plagiarism or appropriation of an author's work for less than ideal uses. There are also challenges with the cost of publishing OA content, which for humanities could be much higher than in the scientific community due to the length of works produced.
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Building Capacity for Digital Humanities: A Framework for Institutional Planning
EDUCAUSE has released Building Capacity for Digital Humanities: A Framework for Institutional Planning.
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
A growing number of researchers in the humanities are using computational tools and methods that are more typically associated with social and scientific research. These tools and techniques enable researchers to pursue new forms of inquiry and new questions and bring more attention to—and cultivate broader interest in—traditional humanities and humanities data. This paper from ECAR and the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) outlines a practical framework for capacity building to develop institutional digital humanities support for IT staff, librarians, administrators, and faculty with administrative responsibilities.
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Digital 3D Objects in Art and Humanities: Challenges of Creation, Interoperability and Preservation: White Paper
The PARTHENOS project has released Digital 3D Objects in Art and Humanities: Challenges of Creation, Interoperability and Preservation: White Paper .
Here's an excerpt:
With this White Paper, which gathers contributions from more than 25 experts of 3D imaging, modellng and processing, as well as professionals concerned with the interoperability and sustainability of research data, the PARTHENOS project aims at laying the foundations of a comprehensive environment centered on the researchers' practices concerning 3D digital objects. The topics addressed in the document are meant to help to ensure the development of standardized good practices relating to the production, the handling, the long-term conservation and the reuse of 3D objects.
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"Perseids: Experimenting with Infrastructure for Creating and Sharing Research Data in the Digital Humanities"
Bridget Almas has published "Perseids: Experimenting with Infrastructure for Creating and Sharing Research Data in the Digital Humanities" in the Data Science Journal.
Here's an excerpt:
The Perseids project provides a platform for creating, publishing, and sharing research data, in the form of textual transcriptions, annotations and analyses. An offshoot and collaborator of the Perseus Digital Library (PDL), Perseids is also an experiment in reusing and extending existing infrastructure, tools, and services. This paper discusses infrastructure in the domain of digital humanities (DH). It outlines some general approaches to facilitating data sharing in this domain, and the specific choices we made in developing Perseids to serve that goal. It concludes by identifying lessons we have learned about sustainability in the process of building Perseids, noting some critical gaps in infrastructure for the digital humanities, and suggesting some implications for the wider community.
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Modern Language Association Launches the Humanities Commons
The Modern Language Association has launched the Humanities Commons.
Here's an excerpt from the website:
Humanities Commons is a trusted, nonprofit network where humanities scholars can create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work. The Humanities Commons network is open to anyone.
Humanities Commons is a project of the office of scholarly communication at the Modern Language Association. Its development was generously funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Humanities Commons is based on the open-source Commons-in-a-Box project of the City University of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center and is an expansion of the MLA's MLA Commons, which launched in January 2013.
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