The OI4RRA report stresses that transitioning to OIs requires institutions and stakeholders to identify the advantages that OIs offer in comparison with closed systems. These can be summarised in four key contributions.
- In contrast to the traditional focus on publications and journal-based metrics, OIs support the consideration of a broad range of scholarly contributions in research evaluations.
- OIs have the ability to integrate data-driven indicators with the nuance of contextual and narrative based information.
- Thirdly, interoperability paired with community-driven governance for evaluations promote the uptake of best practices and foster trust.
- Lastly, an emphasis on transparent data automation streamlines workflows, allowing researchers to devote more time to actual research.
Open Infrastructures for Responsible Research Assessment: Principles and Framework
| Artificial Intelligence |
| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |